Five 👀

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Soon as I got into the guest room, I pulled out my phone. This is not good, not good at all.

Dialing my mother's number, I felt my stomach performing somersaults.

She was supposed to live a normal life. We all are.

"Birdy? What-"

"She has mates, wolf and a freaking vamp." I tried to keep my voice down so my sister can't hear. She hasn't found out that monsters are in fact real.

"No... no no no," my mom's voice sounds panicked, even more so than mine. Not good.

"How is that possible, Mom? We are human and-"

"Birdy ... calm down."

"Easier said than done. She has them both at the door."

"She can't let them in-"

"She isn't. Mates though? How? What other secrets have you been keeping from us?"

My mom sighs on the other end. Not a good sign at all.

I'm not even supposed to know about the family secret. I stumbled upon it a year ago. Reading that book opened up far too many questions. I should have known a dusty old journal wasn't a good nightly reader, but soon as I started I couldn't put it down.

Apparently our family housed vampires years ago, before the werewolves attacked and freed the family, well those that still lived.

My grandmother, whom I never met, was born around the time of the escape. She appeared human, but wasn't. She was a hybrid of sorts. Her mother was human, but was being fed vampire blood while pregnant in hopes of creating a vampire pure blood in her womb. Instead of being a normal human pregnancy, unknowingly to vampire feeding her, the father was a wolf.

Her mother died in labor, becoming a vampire, and my grandmother appeared stillborn at first, but lived. She was deemed a miracle and appeared human.

In her journal though, she wrote the secrets. She told about her thoughts, and the men that she loved that were 'more than normal' men. Some were wolves, others vampires, but grandpa was human. He was a hunter that left the business when he and grandma got married. Any supernatural she encountered after typically didn't live ling enough for a second meeting. Probably grandpa's doing.

"What if she is like grandma?" My question causes my mother's rambling to halt. "Mom?"

She is quiet on the other end for a while before she lets out a heavy sigh. "It ... I -" her voice wobbles as she speaks. "You are half sisters."

Air rushes out my lungs. Another damn secret. "B-but-"

"I ... its complicated, Birdy. Your father knows about it. I - I didn't want to think she was his ... but it is possible."

"Mom? Who?"

"Its not important. Just ... come home tomorrow. Bring Beth."

"We may be followed. Like I said, ones a wolf. Day light won't stop him."

"I'll have your father put up the wards. Just come home with your sister."

"Ok," I sigh, hearing the phone click as she hangs up.

I wish I had my father's magic, but no it seems I am a normal person.

Mom cheated on dad? How? With who ... or what?

Beth is only a little more than a year older than me, so ... and dad knows? This is crazy. How could they keep this from us?

I hear a long meow that pulls my attention away from my angry mental ranting. She must have closed Whisky out of her room. Poor guy.

I open the door and he walks in like he owns the place and sits right infront of me, then stares at Beth's door.

"What is it? You want in her room?"

He meows in reply. I shrug it off, pick up the stripped brown tabby, and walk over to her room.

Soon as I'm at the door, he growls deep in his chest, glaring at it.

I freeze. He must know something I don't.

"Beth? You ok?"

Silence, followed by hushed voices arguing.

"Get out of my sisters room! I revoke your invitations!!" I open the door to see them both just standing there. It should have worked.

"Doesn't work since you don't own the house," Alec replies with that smug smile of his, his fangs peeking. If I had known her neighbor was a vampire, I would have told her to move.

Zyn's eyed are glued to Whisky, who I quickly let out of my arms since he is struggling to get free. The cat pushes between them and hops up on the bed, glareing at them.

Alec chuckles. "Really? Fuzz ball, she isn't yours."

"You both need to leave!" I grab the door frame, trying to hide my nerves as best I can. I know both of them could easily kill me where I stand.

Alec goes to push Whisky back off the bed, and the cat swipes at him, drawing blood. Good boy.

"Ow, you fucking-"

"We should go," Zyn says, his eyes still on Whisky.

"Surprised you aren't chasing him away," Alec smirks.

"See his eyes?"

Alec looks at Whisky, then tilts his head. "How-"

"How long has your sister had this cat?"

Zyn's question throws me off a moment. "I uh, since she moved out two years ago. Why?"

"You have been hideing a long time, Prince Damien." Zyn still just stares at the cat while he speaks. "Everyone thinks you are dead."

"Prince?" I struggle not to laugh. "He is a freaking prince?" That is crazy. I thought I had heard everything before. He can't be a prince, can he?

"You aren't her mate are you?" Alec growls a little. "I swear if there is another one, I will have to start cutting down the numbers. No offense, your majesty."

Whisky just rolls his eyes and lays down by Beth's side.

"I'll be back in the morning," Zyn says as he grabs Alec's shoulder. "You should leave too. Won't be long till the sun starts to rise."

"Fine, but who will tell her about mates, vampires and-"

"I will," I state. Anything to get them out of the house. "Just ... just go. When she wakes up, I will bring her up to speed."

They both nod and surprisingly exit her room and then the house.

However, I still stand there just stareing at Whisky. "So ... you are a prince? Why don't you shift back human?"

He just stares at me, blinking, then rolling his eyes as he curls closer to Beth.

Well, I guess thats as good of an answer I will get for now ...

A/N: what a tweest lol.
So, as usual, not edited, bla de bla.
Hope you enjoy 😙
I want to say thank you to all of yall reading this. I honestly didn't expect so many to even glance at it. I love yall 💋
Tips appreciated ❤ be kind though, im delicate lol

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