Epilogue 👀

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She is positively glowing. A shame her pregnancy is going so quickly. Three months looks closer to five with how much her rounding belly protrudes.

The toilet flushes and I can't contain my grin. Another early morning, another bought of sickness, but it's all beautiful. I love being able to witness it all.

She glares at me as I hand her a piece of toast and a glass of O negative.

"Dont ... say ... a word," she groans, her hand resting on her rounded stomach.

I just grin. I wouldn't dream of interrupting this routine.

She drinks and eats, then sighs looking out the window. We have retreated to a quiet location, far from the estate that is now ours since Victor's death.

The other purebloods have made it clear that I am not their ideal leader for the North Americas. I also know it isn't safe for Beth there, and I won't leave her alone either. Never.

"Has Alec or Zyn called?"

I just shake my head. "Not yet."

They both are trying to stop this war that has started from that night. Zyn is working on calming the wolves, while Alec and other vampires that have pledged loyalty are trying to cut down the rest of Victor's supporters.

Once his supporters are either converted or killed, maybe I will actually be able to change things.

She sighs, sitting in a rocking chair. "I want them home," she whispers so softly.

"I know. And I know they want to be here too," I assure her as I sit by her feet, lifting the left in my palms as I start to massage them. They have both been gone a couple of weeks. I know she misses them both dearly, but they are doing what they can to make this world safe, expecially for our, their, kids.

She moans, laying her head back. Again, I can't contain my grin. I will pamper her always, expecially when she makes those sounds.

I place a gentle kiss on her toes. "Everything will be fine. They will be here soon as they can."

"They better," she bites her lip, a fang peeking against her bottom lip.

I pull my own between my teeth, feeling the sharpness of my own fangs. Damn, she is stunning.

Even more so with the little miracles growing more and more every day inside her.

Her eyes open and her violet eyes meet my own. I can hear her heart beating excitedly in her chest.

Her full breasts heave with each heavy breath.

I lower her left foot, and lift the right. My thumbs press into the arch, causing her back to lift from the chair and a gasp to escape those parted lips.

I place another delicate kiss on her foot, but I don't stop. I kiss her ankle, then shin, feeling her skin warm up to my touch as her heart beats faster, her breaths leaving her lungs harder.

My lips caress her knee, then slowly up her thigh, tracing those long slender legs of hers.

How I have waited for this. I dare not rush a second of it.

"I - we ... shouldn't ... you," she struggles to speak as my tongue lightly draws a line between the freckles on her thigh, reaching further and further up her.

Oh, but we both want to. Her not swatting me away is proof enough, along with the rhythm of her heart.

"Well well well," Alec's voice rings from the door way, carrying his characteristic smirk on his words.

She jumps, her hand swatting my face away. I can still smell her arousal thick in the air though. It makes the gentle sting on my cheek worth it.

But damn ... he had to come home now?

"Here we rushed home, thinking you were lonely," Alec walks into our little home.


That's when I hear the noticeable low growl. Zyn is here too. Great.

"You are supposed to be watching her and the area."

"I was," I grin to him. Well, watching her at least.

"So Love, you seem a tad hungry," Alec walks over to her. She practically beams her smile up at him.

"A little."

He helps her to her feet only to have Zyn scoop her up in his arms.

I sigh, watching them start for the bed room. I go to stand and go to the study. I know there are things to be done. Politics of vampire society.

"And where are you going?" Alec's voice stops me in my tracks. "You better get your ass in here too."

"You think Zyn will go for that?"

"He will if she wants you there. And well, we all know how horney, I mean hungry, she gets now."

I know I am grinning like a fool, but who cares. Pregnancy has magnified all of her cravings. Every single one of them!

"Well them," I straighten my suit. "We must make sure our princess is well satiated."

"Damn straight!"

I'd prefer to have her alone, but I can share ... for now.
I am a patient man after all.

- - - - - - - - -

A/N: I know, I'm evil for stopping it there. Lol. But, you can use your imagination for now lol.

Short chapter, but well, its a happy ending.

Next chapter will be a part 2 to the Q&A. So if you have more questions for the characters, comment and ask away!!!

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