Six 👀

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains, waking me with its warm heavenly glow. I couldn't resist the full body stretch that took over, my bones gently cracking as everything stretched out while I moaned. I love a good stretch.

A furry tail swats me in the face, quickly breaking the peacefulness.

"Good morning to you too, sour puss."

His meow sounds more demanding than usual so I just groan, sitting up, and stretching again.

"I had the strangest dream. Josh's name is actually Alec and he freaking zoomed faster than I ... could ..." I looked down, realizing I was still in the dress I wore to the club. Wait a second.

It was real??

No, thats impossible.

Whisky, as usual, is just stareing at me as if I have lost my mind. Maybe I have.

"Beth, are you up?" Birdy is never up this early when she stays over.

Maybe I'm still dreaming? Nah, that tail felt too real. I poke Whisky's namesake whiskers and sure enough he feels real. The glare his eyes shoots me is priceless. I've always found his golden eyes so beautiful. Sometimes, when the light is just right, I swear they carry a pale shade of lavender that mixes in with the gold.

"Yeah. I'm going to take a quick shower. Do you mind filling Whisky's bowl?" I grab the bare basics (bra and panties, not careing if they match or not) and start for the bathroom. Whisky follows and stops at the door, as usual, and almost huffs as he sits on his bottom.

"A-about that," Birdy peeks her head around the door casing as I get out of this damn dress. "We ... have a lot to talk about."

"Coffee first?"

"Sure," she looks down at Whisky and picks him up. "You shouldn't be watching. Pervert."

I just roll my eyes and get in the shower. He is a dang cat, like he has an opinion on my nudity.

- - - - - - - - -

I'm breathing, alive, but it seems my mind just crashed. Blue screen of death has struck my brain. This is all impossible, crazy even. Birdy has either lost her mind or she is trying to pull my leg in an attempt at a horrible joke.

"So ... let me get this straight," I take a sip of my coffee before trying to put all she has told me in a simple sentence. "Zyn ... is a werewolf. Alec is a vampire. Oh, vampires and werewolves are real. We are half sisters. Oh, and lets not forget, my cat is a prince? Does that cover it?"

"You forgot the mate part."

"Ah, yeah, sure," I roll my eyes. Yep, she has lost it.

"All that I know. Mom wants us to come home to talk it all through."

"Mom? She want to know if I got laid?"

"No. She just wanted you to meet people, in the flesh and not online. Also no supernaturals. But, please, just ... consider what I am saying is truth."

"I'm going to ask Josh or Alec, whatever the fuck his name is," I push my chair back and head to my room to get a pair of jeans since I am already in an old vintage t-shirt and undergarments.

"He won't answer the door. It's day time."

"Riiighht," I roll my eyes. This is ridiculous.

I pull up my favorite jeans and go to head for the door when Whisky stands in my way and meows.

"What? You got turkey for breakfast, not cat food. What more do you want-"

He meows again and just stares up at me. I shrug and go to move and he bites the leg of my jeans, refusing to let go.

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