Thirty Three 👀

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The ride to Victor's estate was awkward and silent.
It gave me far to much time to think.

Was I doing the right thing?
Could I get close enough to get his blood, without rising his suspicions?

That's the plan at least.

If I can get his blood, it would greatly help us. I just hope I will be strong enough to control him when the time comes...

His estate is gigantic. Why a vampire would need that much space above ground is beyond me.

"Many of the windows are blacked out, but the whole east and west wing are natural. I like to watch the sun rise and set," Victor speaks, the first time since we got in the limo.

"Ah," is all I reply.

Thankfully he doesn't try and force communication. Instead, we exit the limo and start inside.

Inside is more lavish and expensive looking than any castle I have ever seen in movies. I could see my reflection in the marble floor they were so polished.

Then, I saw something that made my stomach turn, a woman wearing nothing but a collar and an apron quickly dropped to her knees when she spotted us.

"We should eat," Victor states. "Rise. Go and inform Sal that we will require two females and ... what would you prefer?"

He looks at me and I just shrug. "I'm not really that hungry."

"Doubtful..." He then looks back to the lady. "Have him bring one of the big fellows for our princess."

Ugh, princess... is he really going to call me that the whole time?

The lady quickly nods then scurries out the room as if a mouse being chased by a hungry cat.

"After our meal, I will take you to your mother. She should be awake by then. She requires her beauty rest."


He starts walking, so I follow. We head for what I assume is the north wing. Sure enough the windows are all blacked out. Artificial light illuminates the hallway.

It looks normal, but the sounds I hear up ahead sound more like a sceen from a porno.

Grunts, moans, curses, smacking wet skin, it all echoes on the walls.

Thankfully, he stops just before the door that I assume holds the room the noises are coming from.

"I know that in your ... human upbringing, you weren't shown the vampire way of life. Sex is purely for enjoyment or favors. A bargaining chip of sorts. You don't have to partake-"

"Good," I interrupt. Apparently thr scowl that forms on his face means he doesn't like being interrupted.  He talks to much anyway.

"But, you have to appear unswayed by what you see or feel. This will be your new normal." Then the doors open.

Holy ... Shit....

Music plays as background noise, thumping along while some girls and guys dance on table tops wearing nothing at all.

Some aren't dancing on tables, but sprawled out on top of them either being fed from or ... being fucked.

Guys, girls, threesomes, even more. The sounds and smells of sex hang thick in the air.

... they really do this? All the time?

Ugh, my stomach turns a little. I have to sit and just endure this. Focus on the goal, get Victor's blood.

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