Nine 👀

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Double post today so be sure to read eight first!! Was tempted to save this for another day ... but due to being so happy for you all to read the stuff from my mind, here you go.
🔥🔥Its gonna get naughty ... very naughty. So, here is your warning.🔥🔥


Everything is so ... crazy. One day everything is normal, and now I find out I'm a vampire, but not just any vampire, a princess of sorts. I have two mates, freaking hot as hell mates. One of which I have masturbated to countless times.
Oh, and my half brother I just found out about basically said, 'hey, when I want a kid, Im expecting ur pussy to be avaliable,' ... and how did I react? As if that was perfectly normal.

I'm going crazy.

I should have cursed and said 'fuck you' or 'hell no, my pussy is mine to determine who gets it and when', but the thought made my blood tingle and warm inside me.
Maybe if he wasn't so damn hot, or powerful, or ... ugh hes my brother. Half brother, but still a brother. That has to be fifty shades of wrong.

I need a stress release.

After Zyn came to my room, he began the interrogation on what me and Damien did all day. Of course I told him the basics. He seemed satisfied enough, so he left it at that. I didn't tell him about the way my blood heats up when he touches me. It does the same when he or Alec touch me too.

Its all so strange and new ... and did I mention fucking crazy?!

What am I doing now? I have broken into my liquor cabinet and plan to drink more than a fish.

Alec apparently 'ordered' Damien ten whores. Ten!! Who the hell does that? I watched as they go off into my guestroom with him, two or three at a time.

What makes it even worse is I don't know why I am jealous! The sounds from in there though ... damn. He must have really been pent up.

"You look tense," Alec leans against my ear and whispers while cageing me against my kitchen counter.

The loud chorus of moans and harders makes for stuffy background music. Also, apparently, he likes being called Daddy ... who knew?

"He better clean up after all of this... I am not touching that room till it is fully sanitized."

Alec chuckles, deep in his chest. I feel his hand caress my hip, sending sparks through me and pleasant chills up and down my spine.
His nose caresses my shoulder before he places a gentle kiss there. "Doesn't change the fact you are aroused."

"I am not!" Liar. Yep, but I will deny the truth till I am blue in the face.

He stands closer, giving me proof that evidently the sounds of their sex isn't just arousing me. Lord help me.

Zyn walks back into my house with a heavy sigh that gets interrupted by a loud smack of skin hitting skin, a moan, then giddy giggles. His eyes go wide before he turns and spots me and Alec.

He had left to tend things at his club. I guess things are settled now.

"He is on girls eight, nine, and ten," Alec tells him as I feel his hand slide around my hips, then down against the front of my comfy yoga pants.

My breath halts, feeling the pressure he applies against my clit through my clothes. Slowly, he starts rolling his finger around, against me. I want him to stop, yet I don't. With each circle, my knees grow weaker and breath more heavy.

Zyn clears his throat before walking over towards me. "The club drama is settled. I was hopeing you and I could," a screech of harder causes him to hesitate. "Dinner? Out, with me?"

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