Fourteen 👀

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Alec's place is larger than I expected. Why he ever chose to live beside me, I'll never know. This place has ten guestrooms. Ten!

And each bedroom has their own bathroom.

One would think a vampire's home would be dark and gloomy since most of it is underground, but his isn't. The walls are a cream color, textured to look like leather. Warm wood tones trim the walls and complement the wood floors.

He even has false windows with lights behind the blinds. Some even have screens showing the woods outside the property in a stunning picturesque way. They seem to mimic the day and night cycle.

There is a rustic elegance to it all. Which is surprising. I figured it would be more modern looking like his bedroom back beside my home.

When we got here, he had to leave and basically told us to make ourselves at home.

Someone obviously comes to clean the place, but I've seen no one. It seems pretty void of life here.

I picked a room between the master and another guestroom, insisting that we not share. Honestly? I just wanted my own bathroom.

And that is the first thing I have used... and only thing since I been here.

The room I'm in has this huge iron claw foot tub. It practically cradles me as I just soak.

I needed this more than I thought... just the peace and quiet.

So much has happened and I need this just to process it all.

I'm not sure how long I've been in here when there is a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"If I meow would you let me in?"

I roll my eyes. "Damien, that won't work anymore you perv."

"I figured as much. Can we talk?"


"Our dad..."

I sigh as I lean my head back against the tub, closing my eyes. I don't really want to, but I am curious about him and why he wants me. Why he wants Damien dead...

"Sure, but I need clothes first. Give me a few minutes."

"Of course," then I hear his his foot steps leave the other side of the door.

After toweling off, I grab my comfy cotton superman panties and a white tank top that is extra long. I love long tank tops.

I step out the bathroom, and there he is, sitting at the foot of my bed. He looks up and rolls his eyes.

I can't help but grin, remembering the times Whisky would do that. Then I have to remind myself that they are the same person, animal... being. Whatever.

"More novelty underwear? Aren't you a little old for that?"

"Never to old for comfort," I sit down beside him, tugging the tank over my knees. "Enough about my panties. We have other things to talk about."

"True," he runs his hand through his hair. "Victor will find us here, its only a matter of time. So, you need to hurry, find what gifts you have, and perfect them."

"And just how do I do that?"

"We test you of course. I used the site and ordered us some nourushment-"

"People... you mean people."

He rolls his eyes again. "Fine. People. And I won't drain them, happy?"

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