Three 👀

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I am not sure how I got here but I am having a fucking blast!!!

The music pounds through the air, turning me into its puppet as I am no longer in control of my own body. Or maybe thats the tequila ... who cares! I am alive!!!

My hips sway to the beat as I dance with my sister, the two of us tossing our hair and just letting loose. I don't think I have ever done this. Yes, I have drank before, but never done this whole club scene thing. I can see the appeal now. I feel completely free of ... everything.

My sister yelps. Then all of a sudden I see her take a swing at a man behind her.

"I am not drunk enough to be felt up, Jackass!!"

I can't stop giggling, so I quickly cover my mouth as I stand behind her. I don't know why, but it was hilarious.

"Want a drink then?" He smirks. Ewww he has one of those thingies in his mouth. I swear it looks like he has food in his teeth instead of whatever that thing is.

"Sure, me and my sister would love a drink. Have a hot friend?"

"I- I think I just want water," but they don't seem to hear me. I know I shouldn't drink anymore. My conscience is already just a whisper instead of a drill sergeant.

"I have a few hot friends. Come with me little momma."

"Sorry, but these two are with me," a man with dark hair says stopping us. Now, this man, this man is eye candy. And I? I have one hell of a sweet tooth. Thankfully the man with the stuff in his teeth leaves.

"Hey!" I find my confidence, buffed by booze, and step around my sister. I hold my hand out to him and he takes it with a perfect smile.

"Hello beautiful." Aww he thinks I'm beautiful! He really is sweet, like candy. "You look like you could use a water and something to eat."

"Ooooo do you know where I can get chilli cheese fries?"


"Shhhhh," I interrupt my sister. "This nice man is going to lead me to chilli cheesey gooeyness. We must follow!!"

She sighs, putting her hand to her head. "My sister is a little drunk. Plus I ... may have slipped her something to loosen her up."

"You are the one that demanded shots," I playfully tap the end of her nose that looks just like mine. "And you drugged me? I should be pissed but I don't care!" The giggles take over for a few seconds before I reign them back in. "I still wuv wuuuu," I pinch her cheeks for good measure.

We could almost pass for twins. Many think we are. I don't know if they think I look as young as her or she looks as old as me. HA! Either way I'm out on top.

I take a step after Mr. EyeCandy and stumble a little, quickly grabbing onto his arm.

"Whoopsie daisy," I giggle.

"Not a problem," he smirks, swooping me up bridal style which makes me gasp and pull at the bottom of my dress with one hand, the other quickly holding onto the top.

"I'm too heavy for-"

"You aren't heavy at all. Plus if you fall in my club, that could be bad publicity."

"Are you like super man, Mr. CandyMan?"

"Wait, this is your club?!" Birdy speaks up from behind him, keeping him from answering my question. "Does this mean we can get into the VIP area?"

He hesitates before giving a nod. "Sure." He leads us, still carrying me, passed a red rope and up a set of stairs to the balcony. Soon as we are in the VIP area, I feel all eyes on us. At first I thought I was paranoid, but when I looked around I realized everyone really was looking at us.

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