Before we start..

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Before we start, I must add:

I don't own any of the characters
Or main settings. so don't sue me thx

Okay, I lied. I threw in a couple of OC's.

And the plot is mine.

All copyrights go to Rick Riordan

Thank you!



Since this story was written over several years, there will be some loose ends in lore due to the story direction changing multiple times during the writing process.

I do wish to come back to this series and fix those lore holes, ultimately lengthening the fic, but I am burnt out of this story for the time being. It may be a few years until that project actually becomes true.

This story took me 5-6 years to complete and most of the chapters are 2-3rd drafts because I wrote them while managing being a student and having a part time job, so I readily apologize for any grammer, spelling, or phrasing issues in any of the chapters.



Thank you so much for your interest and I hope you enjoy!

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