chapter 21: Kakashi

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Hinata pov

   Naruto's gone. He's upset. He's angry. He's changing. If I didn't know any better, He probably is upset about the baby. But then again, he could be upset because he came home and Sasuke and Sakura were here. But he loves Sasuke and Sakura, they're his best friends. It worries me that he could get angry at me.

   "Hinata? are you alright?" Sakura asked me. I looked at her and nodded softly. 

   "Yeah I'm fine, just a little worried for Naruto," I started looking back down. Sakura sighed and looked at Sasuke, He nodded and left the house. I was confused by why he left. Maybe something happened. Sakura looked back at me then sat next to me. She put her hand on my shoulder. 

   "You don't need to worry about him. The last thing you need to do is stress out. Sasuke's going after Naruto right now to talk to him, so don't worry," Sakura said with a smile. "While they're gone, we can go out and look at bay stuff," Sakura finished with a huge smile on her face, I laughed softly. 

   "Alright," I said as we both stood, got on our shoes and made our way into town.

Naruto pov

   I kept my hands in my jacket pockets walking down the streets of Konoha. I looked down at the ground while I walked. Just thinking of what to say to Kakashi. Should I just walk in and tell him straight that Hinata cant go on the mission? But then he would ask why, and I can't lie to him, but I have to keep the fact that Hinata is pregnant away from him. I stopped in my tracks to sit on a bench to think about what I should say to Kakashi. Should I just tell him that Hinata pregnant, but ruin Hinatas trust? Or tell Kakashi that she cant go on her mission because of shes sick, but still be lying to Kakashi? I can go either way on this but which way do I go? I placed my head in my hands stressing out a bit.

   I could tell that someone sat next to me. I looked over to see Sasuke sitting there. Not looking at me, not looking at anything really, just staring ahead. 

   "What do you want Sasuke?" I asked. He simply smiled. 

   "Am I not allowed to sit with you?" He asked with a small smirk. I sighed and sat up straight looking at him. "Listen, you and Hinata. You're going to be parents. I know its stressful, But one thing I don't know but you do, is what are you going to do when that baby gets here?" Sasuke asked. What did he mean? It's going to be a long time until the baby is born. 

   "What do you mean?" I asked with an annoyed tone in my voice. 

   "Having a baby is a big responsibility, RIght now, you're keeping it from everyone, which I understand, but to me, it seems like your running away? Are you going to run away when your kids born?" He asked me. And for the record, I never ran. I would never run away.

   "What are you getting at Sasuke? I never ran away, I don't run away," I said standing up.

   "Then prove it, Instead of lying to Kakashi, 'running' away from reality, Tell him the truth," He said with a smirk before walking off. That's what he meant, By not wanting to tell anyone, I'm running away from my role as a father. Its confusing but I get it. And if I want to be a good father, Then I have to stand up for my kid. I smiled to myself and continued on my way to Kakashi. 

   The Hokage Mansion was right in front of me. All I have to do, is walk in and tell Kakashi that Hinata cant go on her mission, and whos to say that he will ask questions? I took a deep breath before walking inside. I made my way down the halls and upstairs till I got to a large door. I knocked on it before entering. 

   "yes?" I heard from the other side of the door. I sighed and opened the door and closing it behind me. 

   "Um, Kakashi sensai? I have some news," I stated nervously. 

   "Yes, What is it?" He asked looking up at me.

   "You see, Hinata, she cant go on her mission tomorrow, But I will gladly take her place," I said standing tall in front of him.

   "why can't she go tomorrow?" He asked. Oh god...He did ask. I took a deep breath before answering.

   "Well, Hinata...Shes..." I sighed. I cant do this. What if Hinata didn't want to tell him? I Had so many worries in my head at once.

   "Naruto? Is Hinata ok?" He asked. I looked up at him and nodded. 

   "Yeah, she's fine, just pregnant," I said with a smile rubbing the back of my neck. But my eyes were wide. What did I just do...Oh god...

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