chapter 19: Sakura and Sasuke

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Hinata pov

One more month. One more month till the wedding. Not much has happened through the time, Besides my stomach slowly growing. I'm right now only 7 weeks. I'm not showing a lot but if you look close enough you will be able to see a bump. No one knows about me being pregnant besides Naruto, Sakura, and my father, besides that no one knows. Naruto Isn't around much anymore. Since the wedding is in a few weeks, he is being sent on a lot of missions away from the village. So during that time, Sakura would come over and help and sometimes Sasuke would come with her. He's been in the village for a few weeks now with Sakura, he said that he owes her for everything he's done to her.

Making food is one of my favorite things to do. I'm not sure why Just the feeling of being able to make something for someone makes me happy. Sakura is coming over soon with Sasuke so I decided that with everything they have done for me that would make them a meal. Nothing too much because I know how Sakura will react. She would get mad at me for working too much for her. But she's one of my best friends so I feel like its the least I could do.

   It wasn't long until I heard a knock at the door. I put down as I was doing to go and open the door. And obviously, it was none other than Sakura and Sasuke. Sakura smiles and gave me a hug before they walked in.  

   "how are you?" Sakura asked. I simply smiled.

   "I'm fine, how about you?" I asked. Sakura just simply smiled. 

   "are you cooking?" She asked a bit annoyed. I simply nodded. "Hinata," she started before moving towards me closer, "you should be resting, not cooking," 

   "I know, but Naruto is coming home today from his mission and I want him to come home with something to eat...also since you and Sasuke were coming over, I thought it would be nice for me to make something for you two as well," I said with a smile. Sakura sighed.

   "I get the thing with Naruto, but you don't need to feed us every time we come over," Sakura said smiling softly. I smiled back.

   "Yeah, but I like cooking for others, not just myself," I smiled. Sakura did as well. 

   "Ok, but still," Sakura said smiling walking towards the kitchen, " was here to help, so let me help you cook,"

   "You don't have to, seriously," I said walking behind her. She turned to me.

   "You're tired, Go rest," Sakura said.

   "what? I'm not tired, what makes you think I'm-" I started to say but soon yawned, I guess moving around a lot today made me pretty tired, which is expected. so far with symptoms, all I have experienced was fatigue. Sakura was looking at me with a smirk. She was telling me that she was right without even saying any words. "fine, but I'll be back in a while to help you and Sasuke," I said before walking back towards the living room to sit on the couch. 

   "so Naruto's been on quite a few missions lately hasn't he," Sasuke said looking towards me.

   "yes...this should be his last mission for a while, But then again he could be heading out for more," I said looking up at Sasuke. He hasn't changed much as he grew up, His hair is still on his face and he still has the dark attitude. 

   "how about you? Have you been on any missions lately?" Sasuke asked. Honestly, I haven't. Naruto and I haven't told Lord sixth about me being pregnant so I couldn't be sent on missions. 

   "Um, no, I haven't, probably because of the wedding coming up," I said with a smile. Sasuke nods walking away to the other room to clean up. I sighed and lied back on the couch as soon as the front door burst open. 

   "Hinata, we have a problem," I heard someone say. I looked towards the door seeing Naruto. I smiled Softly.

   "welcome back Naruto, whats your problem?" I asked walking towards him to help him into the door. 

   "I went to go see Kakashi sensai after my mission, He told me to tell you to be at the village gates tomorrow for a mission," Naruto said frantically. My eyes widened a little as I went to my knees next to Naruto. "you cant go on missions Hinata...I won't let you. What if you get hurt, Or something happens to the ba-" 

   "Nothings going to happen. It is probably just a search and rescue mission, that is what we usually go on nowadays," I said reassuringly. 

   "A search and rescue mission makes you go out of the village and looks for someone who is in trouble then get them out of it. You can get hurt. You're getting tired a lot more often now, What if you're fighting a bad guy and you have to sit down and rest because your tired, he would have a clear opening." Naruto said looking down grabbing my hands, "I don't want you or the baby hurt," He said holding onto my hands tightly.

   "baby?" I heard a deep voice say. I and Naruto looked towards the sound seeing Sasuke standing in the center of the room. Naruto's eyes went wide, as did mine.

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