chapter 10: the party (part 2)

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Just a heads up, there might be a lemon in this chapter or the next, ill mark it off for when it does happen just in case your not wanting to read it. 

Naruto pov

"Sakura? Sasuke? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"come on, we need to get you and Hinata outside for a bit," Sakura said grabbing onto my arm pulling me outside.

"but I and Hinata are fine right here," I said getting out of Sakura's grasp.

"Listen you, idiot, I came to the village for one reason, and if you don't come out, I'm going to beat you for it," Sasuke said looking right into my eyes. My eyes widened and I backed away.

"ok, ok, fine, just let us get our shoes on," I said walking back inside. I slipped my shoes on. Hinata did as well. After they were put on, we walked back outside.

"so, where are we going exactly?" Hinata asked,

"you'll see," Sakura said. I sighed walking next to Hinata. I looked down at her and she was smiling. She looked excited. She always did love surprises. I smiled at her holding her hand tightly playing with her ring a little. She looked down at the ring then back up at me with a smile.

We stopped right in front of Sakura's house. She turned and looked at Hinata and I.

"go inside," she said. Me and Hinata looked at each other a bit nervous. Sakura sighed and walked behind us pushing us inside. When we entered, we saw all our friends smiling.

"surprise!" They all shouted. I knew exactly what this was. The engagement party Sakura mentioned. I sighed and looked at Hinata. She had a wide smile on her face. She looked so happy.

"what for?" She asked walking towards Tenten and Ino giving them both hugs.

"for your engagement," Ino started with a smile. "we found out from your father, so when we did we came to find you right away, Naruto said that you weren't doing very good, so we thought, what better way to get Hinata out of her funk then a party with her best friends," Ino finished. I sighed and walked to Hinata.

"I told them not to, but I guess they don't know how to listen,"

"no, this is great. Thank you all so much," Hinata said with a smile hugging my arm.

"well now that we are all here, let's talk about how this started," Sakura said with a smirk. I sighed. It's going to be a long night.

no ones pov

two hours later

"ok, ok, but I honestly think that Kakashi still reads it over," a drunk Naruto stated.

"wasn't there only like...three installments of it though?" Shikamaru asked. He was a bit tipsy himself, but not as much as everyone else. Naruto nodded.

"I thought there was five?" Sakura said from behind the group of guys.

"no...i think it was only three," Shikamaru responded.

"wait...three of what?" Naruto stated leaning on the couch.

"Icha Icha, the book that Kakashi reads all the time," Choji said eating a bag of chips.

"why are you talking about a porno written by a pervy old man?" Temari said holding a cup of beer in her hand.

"Hey! He's not just a pervy old man! He is a pervy sage!" Naruto said standing holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

"yeah, ok," Temari said.

"Hey, it's getting late, maybe we should get going," Hinata said pulling on Naruto's arm.

"Aw come on, the party is only starting," Kiba said petting Akamaru behind his ear.

"Nah, she's right, we have to go see her dad in the morning anyway," Naruto said pulling Hinata up. "thank you all for the party, we had a blast," Naruto said with a smile.

"well, you guys be safe alright," Sakura said walking towards Hinata giving her a hug. She hugged back.

"we will don't worry," Hinata said before slipping on her shoes with Naruto walking out the door. They walked down the street together laughing and wobbling around holding onto each other tightly. When they got back to Naruto's place, the took off their shoes and sat on the couch laughing still. After their laughter died down, they looked at each other with a soft smile. Hinata moved closer towards him wrapping her arms around him. Naruto did the same pulling her on top of him.


The kiss deepened quickly. It wasn't long till their hands started to move all around one another. Not long after, Naruto stood holding Hinata still and they made their way towards the bedroom. After entering the bedroom, Naruto lied Hinata on the bed gently starting to strip her shirt off of her. Hinata let it happen for she was too much into the kiss to stop him. Hinata's shirt was fully off, now all that was covering her chest was her bra. Hinata's hands slowly moved down to Naruto's hips. she slowly started to tug them down slowly. Naruto noticed and helped her by pulling them down himself. after they were off of him completely, he moved closer onto of her. Naruto's hands started to travel behind Hinata's back finding the clasp to he bra. when he unhooks it, Hinata let out a breath of relief. Naruto started to pull her bra off her completely while his kiss moved to he jaw, to her neck, then to her shoulder. every inch that Naruto moved closer to he breasts, gave her chills. but what really got her was when Naruto's mouth wrapped around her breast. he softly started to suck on her nipple. Naruto free hands moved down Hinata's sides down to her pants as he slowly started to pull those off as well. Hinatas face was turning red as she bit her lip from the ultimate pleasure Naruto was giving her.

 Hinata's pants were completely off, thanks to Naruto. He softly rubbed her thighs. Hinata let out small sounds while Naruto made his way down her body. She was filled with pleasure. When Naruto reached her thighs, she gasped and threw her head back. He hand made its way to Naruto's head as she got to her womanhood. Just the smallest peck on her clit gave her undoubtedly good pleasure. She rubbed the back of his head as he continued to pleasure her womanhood with his tongue. Hinata's voice slowly got louder throughout the duration of the time. Hinata hips would sometimes buck up into Naruto's mouth while he worked his magic on her.

Naruto pulled away not too long later and stood up to her crawling in between her legs. Naruto lined up to Hinata's entrance looking at her asking for permission. Hinata nodded as Naruto slowly pushed into her. No too much, but just enough for Hinata to get used to him. Not long after Hinata gave Naruto the okay to continue. He slowly started to thrust into her holding onto her hips. Their sounds were mixed together as the room became more heated. Naruto bent down and kissed Hinata on the lips deeply as he moved faster into her. They stayed like this for a few minutes before Naruto flipped Hinata onto her stomach. He entered her again and started to thrust into her again. They both had faces, red with embarrassment, but later on, filled with pleasure. They continued for a bit longer until Naruto started to feel close to his end. He moved deep into Hinata as his held onto her. It wasn't long until his load filled her up. He pulled out of her and lied next to her. He pulled her close to him and softly kissed her. After a short kiss, they both started to drift off to sleep. holding each other close.


so, this was my first lemon...not a lot of dialog but I wasn't really sure how to put it. hopefully you all enjoyed and i will try to update again soon.

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