"Perfect" Ending

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Ezras POV:

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before we had to leave. Fixing my hair , kanan came in wearing his tuxedo and Zeb followed also wearing his. "Well kid you did it , you actually got her to marry you." Zeb said patting me on the shoulder. "Congratulations Ezra. Are you ready to go?" Kanan asked me. "Yeah kanan i am ready, I'm ready for this new beginning with the love of my life." both him and Zeb nodded their head.

We walked to the main room and i got into position. I Couldn't believe in a few hours I, Ezra Bridger was going to be able to call Sabine my wife, just the thought of 'Mrs.Bridger' gave me butterflies. Sabine the love of my life was going to finally be all mine until death do us part. Only the ghost crew and a few pilots that we knew were invited to the wedding, me and Sabine wanted to keep it small.

I personally didn't want anyone else to see her but she made me invite them. The anticipation was killing me , i haven't seen Sabine in at least in 24 hours. We both don't believe in the 'if you see the bride , you have bad luck' thing but Hera being such a mother didn't let us see each other. I took a long look around seeing the beautiful outside seanery that Sabine along with some help from Hera planed.

There was colored flowers everywhere most of them were shades of purple and red, some orange. they had moved chairs out to the yard and placed them in rows, for all of the guests to sit. There were beautiful white roses all over the altor pulling everything together.I was still thinking when the music started to play meaning that was my cue to get ready.

Everyone stood up and watched Sabine as she appeared in the doorway made of branches and more white roses. The very moment she steped on the white rug leading to me a flashback started....
Back to the first time i saw Bine, in the streets of lothal where she jumped on the crates and pulled a blaster on me for stealing them. Then to when i first saw her face remembering how amazed i was with her beauty. Till this day she gives me those same butterflies as that moment.

Standing frozen still for what felt like ages,only to be brought back to realty when the ghost got shot at. Then to when for the first time in forever i got a present for my birthday. That disk is what made me fall even harder for Sabine. Then i knew it was love not just a crush. Only when i felt Sabine's hands grab mine did i come back to realty , seeing her face always feels like I'm seeing it for the first time over and over again. Getting lost in her eyes is just breath taking.

After Sabine standing infront of me i don't really remember much because Sabines beauty distracted me. "You may kiss the bride." I lean in to kiss her when all of a sudden i started to feel funny.  "Ezra are you-"

All of a sudden i sit up in bed dripping in sweat and panting. And the tears come streaming down my face as i remember Sabines died before we got married...i still will never forgive myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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