Author's note

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Hey guys! So i know i haven't been writing lately but that should change soon. I took a little winter break from writing but I'm ready to get back on track with new updates more offten. I put out 2 new chapters before this Authors note, hopefully you guys like them. I love you guys so much and i wouldn't have as many views and votes without you guys so....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will try to update every wendsday but we will see if school and my schedule agrees. If you guys have any suggestions or requests i am all ears, all comments will be read good or bad i may not always respond but i try to. Oh also with rebels ending i will still be writing ,not to worry I'm not leaving the fandom. I did happen to see the finale and all of the other episodes of season 4 so if you guys want to hear some of hopes for rebles and opions you can ask in the comments or private message me. Oh well enough of me ranting and as always, may the force be with you always......

~In memory of Kanan jarrus~

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