Long nights

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Sabine's PVO:

I opened my eyes and noticed the door was cracked open and Ezra was gone. Getting up out of bed i grabed my purple hoodie and walked out to the common room putting it on. As i came closer to the common room i started to hear someone singing , then i got to the couch and saw Ezra sitting on it. And he was holding a can of beer, great just great. "Hey Ez. What are you doing out here?" I asked as i sat down next to him. "Huh? Oh hey Sab. What *burp* are you doing up?" "Oh no reason just wondering where you got beer?" I said while holding my noise and faning the air. "I found it. In the back of the fridge." "Hey remember how we talked about your drinking? You only drink when you've been worrying about something." "I'm fine." Ezra said as he took another drink. "Don't lie Ezra , you know what happened the last time you lied to me. You were laughing so hard you peed." I gigled. "I don't lie, really *burp* I'm fine." "What are you hiding from me, don't you trust me?" "You should go back to bed." "Ok look Ez. I love you but ever since i started training the new recruits, you have been spacing yourself from me."  All Ezra did was continue to stare at the floor and look into the can. I let a sigh leave my lips before speaking. "Well you know how i feel when you drink so , have a nice night on the couch unless you want to tell me whats wrong." I looked down at the floor before getting up about to walk away when he grabed my arm. We both locked eyes when he finally spoke. "Bine wait..." "what Ez?" "I'm sorry." "It's ok , just talk to me." "Sabine?" "Yes Ezra?" "Whats your biggest fear?" "Umm...i guess not being able to paint or kiss you. What's yours?"



"I'm scared that one day you'll look in the mirror and see what i see. You will realize just how amazing you are and that you deserve better than me...."

"Ezzy i would nev-"

"I'm terrified that you'll leave me."

"There i finally told you whats been going on, i've been spacing myself from you because i am afraid you will find a new recruit that is better than me. And you will live happily ever after without me." Ezra signed in a sad voice. I couldn't belive what i was hearing, he really was scared i could feel and see it. "Is it my turn to talk yet?" He slowly nodded. I moved into his lap and placed one hand on his face and my other under his shirt. "I could never find a guy that under stands me more than you do. Someone who draws a hot bath for me after a long mission, or who wakes me up with my favorite fruits and waffles for breakfast. Don't ever think for a moment that there is someone better, becaues there isn't one out there. He is right here with me." "I love you Sabine." "I love you too Ezra. Now lets get you some water and ready for bed." He smiled as we got up and walked back to our room.

Ezra POV:
In the room....

Sabine and i made our way back to our room, i sat on the bench while she got me some water. "Drink at least half." "Ok." After i finished the water , she helped me stand up and take my shrit off for bed.  I stoped when i saw myself in the small mirror Sabine had behind the door. All of my scars from the streets haunted my eyes , i had also been thinking about my old life and how bad it was. I guess She saw this because she pulled me into bed. "Ezra you know , that i love your scars right?" "You do?" "Yes ,i think they tell your story and make you look more handsome." She whispered into my ear. "Thank you bine." "Anytime Bridger , infact just for fun and because you can't fight back...."
Before i even had time to ask her what she was planing. Sabine climbed on top of me and started kissing my twin scrar , then lower on to a big scar on my chest. I know i was drunk but man i could feel her lips travelling my body kissing every scrar she could see. At one point i felt her hand tracing some while sucking on another. After what felt like forever she sat up on my legs and dusted her hands off in satisfaction ,then laid next to me. "Anytime that you start doubting yourself , just tell me and i will remind you." She smirked while i just laid there out of breath and drunk. "Now get some rest Ez, you probably won't remeber this so you can't get revenge." That was the last thing i remember that night because i passed out. But boy was Sabine wrong i remember that night good enough to get revenge.

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