"killing her"

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Sabine's POV:

I can hear her voice's, cold and robotic. The Nightsisters words and thoughts still haunt me. Even though Ezra saved me and kanan that day, they never really left me. When i sleep she talks to me, torturing me with her words and even my own thoughts. I fear to fall asleep, fear that she will control me again. I had been avoiding sleeping for days, until one horrible night after a mission.

Sabine's nightmare:

"So young one you finally gave in and came to me." The nightsister spoke. "Not like i had a choice." I told her trying to wake myself up. "Are you ready to help me?" She smirked "Never." "Come on i have a deal that is unfinished. And all you have to do is kill the young Jedi." "Ezra?" I gasp
"It's in your blood now. You can't escape this. You won't escape me." "NO! You have no power over me." I yelled to the green fog. When i said that a face started to form in the fog. "Are you sure about that?" As the face faded my breathing became much heavier. Thinking about what she said, killing Ezra for her. Never. But she would finally leave me alone,No i can't i-i won't. He wouldn't, if it were me. My head was racing thinking how to get away from her without hurting anyone. "Oh darling,You are so very broken and no one cares to notice." The Nightsister's voice said breaking my thoughts. "I'm not broken, just parts of me are......hurt." "is that what you call it? Come on Sabine i know you. Know how and what you think."
"I own you." "NO YOU DON'T!!" I yelled and pulled my blaster from it's holster,aiming at the green fog firing one shot. Followed by laughter. "You are a destroyer Sabine wren. Can't you see the death you've caused?" The Nightsister asked. At that same moment i looked down at my blood stained hands with the darksaber in one hand activated. Followed by a trial of blood leading to the crew laying lifeless on the ground. All of them Hera,Kanan, Zeb, and even Ezra were dead by my hand."No this is wrong.I would never hurt my family."
"But you couldn't help it." "NO!" i screamed.

End nightmare(Sabine's PVO)

Finally i woke up. Standing in the middle of my room with the darksaber in hand, glowing it's black blade ready for battle. As i slowed my breathing, i deactivated the blade and slumped onto the floor below me crying softly. There i stayed for 5 minutes before a soft knock sounded at my door. Quickly i dryed my tears and said "come in." A boy with blue hair dressed in a red shirt and grey sweats came, in sitting next to me on the floor. "Hey Sabine, are you ok i heard yelling?" "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." I said hoping to fool him. "You don't look fine." Ezra said wiping a tear that had formed in my eye. "Then stop looking." I told him turning my head. "I can't sabine, your just so  beautiful." "Not now Ezra." "Why can't you let me help you?" "Because even if i told you what was going on , you can't help me." "I can try and you might be surprised of what happens." He whispered. "Fine it's the Nightsisters,she is in my head still haunting me when i sleep. You happy now?" I spoke with a bit of anger in my voice. "What? How are they still in you?" "I don't know but she's not going to leave until i help her with an unfinished deal." I told him griping the darksaber in my hand. "Well what's the deal? we can finish it together,then she'll leave you alone." "Umm....i can't tell you the deal, because i won't do what she wants." "Then I'll do it for you. Thats the least i can do as it being my fault, you were there in the first place." He smiled after he said that. "No Ez you can't do it either." He frownd and was going to say something, when a loud voice yelled."Do it now! Strike him down!" Yelled the nightsister in my head. "NO leave me alone!" I cried while griping my head. "Ezra help me....there's someone in my head but it's not me." I trembled. "What's going on sabine? What is she saying?" Ezra said placing his hands on my shoulders. "She told me to do it" "do what Sabine?" There was a long pause before i told him the true. "Kill you, she wants me to kill you." He looked confused for a moment before looking down at the floor. "Do it" "what?" "You heard me. Do it." "What? No there has to be another way. I will have to just put up with her until then." "Sabine she is never going to leave you until,you finish the job." "Ezra i will not take somebody's life for her, i would just be doing what she wants. Who's to say she won't still be there if I do kill you." He sighed. "Yeah i guess your right." "I'm so sorry Sabine if i had never trusted maul again this wouldn't be happening to you. It's all my fault."Ezras frown deepend. I was about to tell him that it wasn't his fault when she took over.
My eye's suddenly closed and wouldn't open. Then she spoke. "That's right it's your fault." "I'm so sorry Sabine." "Sorry isn't good enough boy, finish the job for me." "Nightsister? How are you talking to me?" "Smart jedi. Do the girl a favor and kill yourself, can't you see I'm slowly killing her? There is no other way to save your love." I tried so hard to take control again,so i could tell Ezra that's not true but i couldn't. "That's where your wrong spirit, there is one more way i can try." Ezra said looking up from the floor. "What  might that be oh mighty jedi?" "I only heard about this in storys my mother told me as a child,but i have nothing to lose at this point." He took a deep breath before he began. "Sabine if you can hear me.....I love you, I've loved you since the first day i saw you." I couldn't believe what i was hearing but i really wasn't going to believe what happened next. All of a sudden Ezra jumed up and pinned me down so fast that the spirit let me open my now glowing green eyes. "Are you going to kill the girl you love?"  "No I'm going to kiss the girl i love." Before the nightsister had time to act Ezra smashed his lips onto mine. Slowly i regained control being able to kiss back,and close my now normal eyes to enjoy this kiss. "Ezra i love you too." I told him when we separated "Sabine is that you?" "Yes Ez." I nodded. "How did you know that kissing me would work?" "Well in all of the storys my mom told me, true loves kiss always saved the day." "She's gone...i can't feel her anymore. You did it Ezra, you saved me." "Wow i wasn't so sure that would work." He laughed. "Shut up and kiss me." He shrugged and kissed me more passionately this time. "I love you sabine, and glad i could help you." "I love you too Ez." He then picked me up and layed me in my bed and layed next to me. "Good night Sabine." He said while kissing my forehead. "Good night." That night i sleept great in the arm's of my true love.

I love the beginning but the end kind of sucked😕. Oh well i guess its ok. Anyway it's late and i am so tired right now so yeah hope you guys like it.

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