The lie

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 Third PVO:

   Sabine was outside the ghost looking for Ezra,  because he had run off after he saw her and wedge kissing. She didn't want to kiss him, because she loved Ezra. But she couldn't tell him that because, of a deal she had to make with wedge.

1 week earlier.....                                        Sabine's PVO:

  I had just finished loading the phantom, for a mission when wedge came over.  "Hey Sabine" he said "what do you want wedge?" i asked annoyed "will you go out with me?" I let out a big sigh and told him no, and that i like someone else. "Are you sure, i know that you like Ezra." "But i don't like that, i want you to be with me." he said "To bad i don't care what you think, now leave me alone."  "oh no we will be spending a lot of time together." Wedge said proudly "what are you talking about wedge?"  He then handed me a file, when I opened it my eyes widened. When I realized that he had information on Ezra when he was a slave. Down to who his master was, to what his slave number was. All of Ezra terrible past, that he had tried so hard to forget was all in front of me. I only knew about it because about a month ago, when i heard him crying. He told me everything, and asked me not to tell anyone. So i promised i wouldn't, and i never break my promises." What do i have to do so this doesn't get out?"  I asked him " Its simple really just be my girl friend until i say so."  He said with no emotion in his voice, and a big grin on his face. I didn't want to be his girlfriend, but i had no choice i couldn't let Ezra down like that. "Hmm..okay wedge i will be your girlfriend." I told him "Awesome! i knew you wouldn't say no, and you have to act like it so don't reject me anymore understand?"  "yes i understand."

That whole week i felt like i was being punished, having to be wedges girlfriend. Plus i wasn't aloud to talk to Ezra at all, or even look at him. Which was the worst part of all.  Because i could tell, he was hurting to talk to me. He would come up to talk to me , and wedge would shoot me a look. As if to tell me your "breaking the rules",And i would have to ignore Ezra. When Ezra saw me with wedge he would get all sad. Me and wedge hardly did anything together, actually we would only do things together when Ezra was around. It killed me to see Ezra so sad and broken when he saw us. I need to talk to him and tell him what was going on but, how if i am even in the same room with him wedge watches me like a lotha cat. Just as i figured out what to do, wedge came over to me and told me he wanted a kiss!  "Come on Sabine just one little kiss, and i won't leak Ezra's past." I was still thinking about how to get out of this, when i saw Ezra out of the corner of my eye. And i thought "oh no i cant let Ez see the kiss." I guess wedge could read my mind or something, because the next thing i knew wedge was smashing his lips onto mine! I tried to push him away, but it was like he was glued to me and not in a good way. i opend my eyes and saw Ezra ruining away. That's what did it i shoved wedge off as hard as i could and it worked. "HEY i didn't want to do that!" i yelled at him " yes you did you just didn't want lover boy to see us, well to bad that's all i wanted was to see him get crushed."  At this point i was so angry that i wasn't thinking. I punched wedge in the face and he fell to the ground. when he hit the ground a file fell out of his jacket,  i went over and picked it up. It was Ezra's file!  I looked at wedge knocked out of the ground one more time then ran of to go find Ezra.

present time.....                                            Ezra's PVO:

 I was heading over to ask Sabine what was wrong, when i saw her and Wedge kissing. The love of my life was kissing another guy right in front of me. I mean i knew they had been getting close over the past week, but i didn't know that they we dating each other. I ran as fast as i could into the rock sculptures of Atollon. hoping no one would see me crying, like the loser i was.

meanwhile...                                                                                                                                                                             Sabine's PVO:

 I was looking everywhere for Ezra and asking, everyone i saw if they had seen him. Then it hit me i haven't checked, the spot where i stormed off to. I wonder...."no" he couldn't have, well it couldn't hurt to look. I walked over to the little hill and saw him sitting, against some rocks staring off into the sun. "Ez...are you OK." i said and smiled hoping to get an answer. "fine" he told me with a very firm tone. "i am sorry you had to see that i didn't- "was all i got to say when Ezra turned and whispered "but you did"  "i didn't want to but i had no choice." "YOU always have a CHOICE." he yelled "NO i didn't because wedge threaded me with this!" i said and handed him the file and tried to keep clam. Ezra took the file and opened it, he took a long good look at it then handed it back to me. "How did he threaten you with this its my secret not yours?"  "It was a threat to someone i love plus i promised i wouldn't tell anyone and i never brake promises." "But i don't-" was all he got to say before i shushed, him with my finger and told him"just shut up!" Then i placed my hands on the back of his neck, and lean in and kissed his soft lips.  Ezra must not have expected that because, it took him a while to kiss back but i could tell he wanted to kiss as much as i did. when we separated he took the file, and threw it off the cliff. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, we walked back to the ghost holding hands. 

For now on no one and nothing can hurt us as long as we are together.  

First one shot done , how was it? Feel free to comment

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