Teaching Baby care

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IceyFriend3 asks: To...Frostina,Blizzaria, and Damona (Blizz and Damona need more attention), what was you reaction when you found that Venny was pregnant (despite being a male),and who taught him the ways of pregnancy? I'm just really curious.

Frostina: When I found out I was speechless, I mean how can he get pregnant? But after I calmed down,I was proud to be an aunt.*smiles* I was not the one who showed him baby care,so it must have been either Blizz or Damona, mainly because I had my hands full with Flare at the time.

Blizzaria: I was simply overjoyed when I heard the news. I WAS AN AUNT!!!*happy squel* I begin writing stories about the baby in my fanfictions on Kyubi and Venoct. *smiles* I only taught him about proper feeding and how to swaddle the baby. Damona taught him the rest.

Damona: I wanted to kill Kyubi when I found out about the pregnancy. But it was out of my hands, so I crammed every single thing I knew about baby care into Venoct skull.  I guess I'm happy for him and that fox.

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