Ice Cream

861 9 31

Anonymous ask:

What your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Frostina: "Mine is vanilla and choco swirl

Blazion; My favorite would have to be chocolate.

Flarelisazion : Chocolate marshmellow swirl

Incourageya: I don't like it. Too sweet and sugary.

Flarelisazion : K'mon you gotta at least like a flavor ( Looks annoyed)

Incourageya: Hey! If I don't like the stupid ice cream then I don't like a flavor.

Flarelisazion: Well I guess you melt it before you be able to eat it. (Mocks her little brother)

Incourageya : Shut up you furball

Flarelisazion: Flame Brain

Blazion: Kids. Do you want to grounded and cancel our trip to Gera Gera land tomorrow or do you want to say sorry to each other? ( glare at the children angrily)

Both kids :

I'm sorry about call you a furball.

I'm sorry about call you a Flame Brain and bugging you about the ice cream question

Blazion: That's good. Now Flarelisazion you really need to understand that people like and dislike foods like you don't like sushi.

Flarelisazion: Yes daddy (She lowers her head in shame)

Frostina: Blazion. (she looks his way)

Blazion: Yeah?

Frostina: Speaking of ice cream, lets get some.

Blazion: Great idea. (sighs dreamly) Have I told you I love you so much.

Frostina: Not as much as I love you my handsome fire hunk. (she flirts)

(Both pull each other and kiss.)

(The children both leave to get ice cream)

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