Date attempts

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Cupcake Star asks: Colderman,have you ever asked Flarelisazion out on a date before?

Colderman: I'm too entrance by her cuteness to get the words out. She's  gorgeous, smart, kind, and a heck of fighter when in trouble. (Daydreams about Flarelisazion) She too go for a yo kai like me. Her parents may accept me but it really her choice. I did try once but I did on April Fools day by accident. (Is upset at the memory) I'm hopeless. (covers his face)

(Flarelisazion enters)

Flarelisazion: Hey Cold

Colderman: Hey Flare (Blushes due to her cuteness)

Flarelisazion: So do you want to hang out on Thursday?. Just the two of us. Hit a movie or something.

Colderman:(Overjoyed but tries to play cool) Yeah sure.

Flarelisazion: Great! See ya then.

(Flarelisazion leaves)

Cupcake Star says to Colderman: "By the way, I like how your name kinda makes you sound like a superhero".

Colderman: Thanks. That means a lot to me.

Till next time 

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