New couple and Temp sect

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Frostina18 asks: Swelterrier,how did you and Blizzaria ended up being a thing and form the temp sect?

Swelterrier: We were friends already and she constantly follows me around like a stalker so one day I told her to leave and I quote "Never show her face again". She took that to heart and stop following me but her soul was damage by my words. She didn't leave the house or went outside. Even Frostina's begging didn't presuade her to come out. After that Frostina told Damona who dragged me to Bliz's house to apologize to her. At first I didn't think I had to till I saw her in her sadden state. That moment I realized that she really loves to hang out with me. She freezes me the most out of the hot clan after all. In the yo kai derby race when Venoct and Kyubi tried to knock us out she use her powers to protect us. I was helpless from shock while she saved me. I felt like a jerk so I apologize to her but she didn't forgive me. Here what she said:

Blizzaria: You don't like me because I annoy you. You hate me so I will listen to your words and never show my face again. I loved you but it looks like you don't feel the same. (Cry angrily and flies out the house)

Swelterrier: She loved me? Heck I didn't see this coming. Now that I think about she always calls me Terry and she helped Sproink and Swelton on the "Pretty yo kai contest" while Camilia left me and Blazion to get eaten by those creatures. (shivers at the thought) She does love me and I just damaged her soul. I got to find her and make it up to her. (Runs after Blizzaria to her with Blazion and Frostina)

{This was before they got married and had kids}

Swelterrier: Frostina was comforting her sister and Blazion gave me a " I can't believe you" look. I went over to Blizzaria and said I was sorry for hurting her soul and told her how wonderful and beautiful she is. That when I realized that I loved her along and asked her to be my girlfriend. She forgave me and said yes. After 68 dates, I proposed to her and we got married and I surprised her by convince my bros to form the temp sect. It was easy because they believe it was possible due to Blazion and Frostina becoming a couple and all. So now I'm happily married and have a beautiful wife and son.

Till Next time

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