Frostina's Job

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Cupcake Star asks: Frostina, did you get a job too?

Frostina: I work part time at a cafe called "Sweets and Love". I love working there because I see friendly faces like my sister and the hot clan. Not to mention my family.

(Flarelisazion enters)

Flarelisazion: Mommy can make sweets like candies and cakes. She even brings us cakes from work for desserts and celebrations like birthdays. (mouth is watering). Just thinking about it make me hungry.

Frostina: Thank you sweetie. (Blushes at her daughter's praise)

Flarelisazion: I mean it mom. You are the best in making sweets. (warmly smiles to her mother ). I love you mommy.

(Hugs her)

Frostina: ( kneel down and hugs back) I love ya too. ( tears up a little)

Flarelisazion: ( breaks the hug) Okay. I got to meet up with my friends for freeze tag. See you for dinner. Love you a ton.

Frostina: Ok. Have fun and be careful. Be home by five and don't get dirty like last time.

(Flarelisazion leaves)

Frostina: Well back to your question I make ten dollars an hour a week. I work at 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm when the store closes. So I get a sitter for the kids. 


Frostina: (Giggles) I often get visited from Blazion when he on break. I think he uses it as an excuse to see me in a maid uniform. For our sweet tarts too I guess.

(Blazion appears out blue)

Blazion: Yeah! I love it when you wear it you look cute in it.

Frostina: (goes to their room and puts it on) How do i look Hun

(Blazion pass out due to her cuteness)

Till next time 

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