Venoct's Opinion

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OrochiFangirl asks: How does Venoct feel about Frostina and Blazion's relationship?

Venoct: I hated it at first, fire and ice don't mixed,or should love each other for that matter. The moment, I found out, I was ready to snap that lion in half to be food for the birds. I was about to do that, when........I saw Frostina smile. She was happy, extremely happy and it was all because Blazion was with her. So if he makes her smile,then he is alright in my book.

Flare:Do you like us?

Venoct:*goes down to her level* Yes little one. *pets her head* You are family,a new start to a new generation. So I will watch over you and your little brother. For I am the protector of all yo kai. Speaking of which, where is your brother?

Incourageya:Fireball! *jumps on Venoct*

Venoct:*catches him in his scarf* Nice try

Incourageya:Aw! *pouts*


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