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Training has barely started and I am already sweating more that I ever did in my physical class during schooling. Everyone around me are breathing heavily as we break from running momentarily, savoring the seconds before they are taken away.

"Everyone get back on the line." Harry walks in front of us with his hands behind his back, and we all quickly get onto a white line which has been sprayed onto the pavement just outside our living quarters.

For a full thirty minutes or so we've been doing sprints, laps, and very rarely walking around the blacktop of an old basketball court which must have been used by much earlier generations.

I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand before stepping onto the line and bending down into a ready position. When the whistle is blown I push myself forward and force my legs to sprint through pain, reaching a line opposite of where we started within just a few seconds.

Patrick is last to the line, and once he reaches it he is paled and looks as if he's about to be sick. Just as I'm about to ask him if he's alright there's another sharp noise and I give everything I have to sprint back to the line we started on.

Harry has a concerned look on his face as he walks in front of Patrick, "are you okay?" I think all of us are in shock at his somewhat caring twist towards an initiate, perhaps a change of heart sparked within him?

"Yes, let's keep going." Patrick gets out in between heavy breaths, a look of determination set in his features.

Harry grins proudly, "that's what I like to hear." He claps Patrick on the back before continuing, "everyone do fifteen laps around the blacktop then you are done for the day, good job initiates." I watch him give us a nod of approval before heading through a door which leads back into the training building.

I hadn't even noticed that all the other initiates have already started running, and quickly begin an attempt to catch up to them. Most of them are jogging at an easy pace, so it's not too difficult. The laps go slowly, and my legs burn from being used an unusual amount.

By the time I am finished with all fifteen laps my body is completely out of energy, begging for water and rest. My legs feel like noodles as I walk inside the training building, and I grab two bottles of water from the main fridge before heading back to the living quarters.

Every step seems even more difficult than the one before, and I groan when someone stops me in my tracks by putting their hand to my shoulder. When I look up, I find a grinning Niall, adorable crooked teeth and all.

"Jess and I were gonna go to the inner district if ya wanted to come, unless ya planned on staying in this gloomy place until training is over."

My entire body tells me to stay here and lie down for the rest of the day, but Niall's eyes practically beg for me to go out, and I honestly can't deny them.

"Of course, it sounds like fun to go out and explore where I'll be living after this is all over. Let me go get changed first though," I smile at him and watch as he pumps a fist in the air.

"Great, I'll let Jess know and then we'll all get ready. This is gonna be so much fun!" He says excitedly before quickly walking to the initiates shared room, a pace that I can't match at the moment.

By the time I'm able to reach my bed there are fresh clothes laid out on it, and I wonder how they know our exact sizes without even taking measurements beforehand.

Nonetheless, I take the freshly washed black sweater and black pants to the bathroom and quickly change into them. When I walk back out Jess is bouncing on her feet as Niall stands besides her with his hand stuffed in his pockets.

"You all ready?" He asks anxiously, and when I nod they both eagerly begin walking out of the room. I follow, but not exactly as fast.

Within seconds Jess notices, "already feeling sore from training?"

"Yeah, I guess I've just never done any exercise that intense before. Hopefully I'll be fine by tomorrow," I say.

Jess nods with understanding, "you'll just have to ice up later, and we'll be sure to slow down the pace, right Niall?" She slaps him on the back and he quickly approves.

"Sure thing, I know how it feels to drag behind after having some knee issues myself. A slow walk in the district actually doesn't sound too bad anyway." He says, making light of the situation.

I smile before urging them to keep walking, thankful when they do slow down their speed to the point where it is manageable for me.

Just as we are about to walk out the doors of the training building my name is yelled, and I'm surprised when the source is from Harry. He jogs over from some other members with a firm look, "where are you going?"

"We are going to explore the district, is there a problem with that?" I fire back, wondering why he's so concerned where we choose to go.

"Well I can't exactly tell you not to go, but I can tell you to be careful. If you didn't know already, there's a lot of crime in this district." He crosses his arms over his chest, muscles flexing slightly.

"We do just so happen to be aware of what goes on here, but thank you for the help." I say, deciding not to let him off so easily for the comments he made to Patrick earlier.

"I know you still resent what I said, but please take my warnings. Make sure you all don't stay out after dark, but if you do find yourselves in that situation, make sure you run your asses back here as quickly as possible." He looks each of us dead in the eyes before walking away, each word settling in.

"Well he sure dampened the mood," Niall huffs before opening the door. Light leaks into the training building as we step outside, an entire district waiting for us to explore it.

In this district there are plenty of run down apartment buildings with graffiti on almost every square inch of them, but there are also magnificent skyscrapers which seem to touch the clouds.

This is why initiation is so important, it could decide where we live and each individual's lifestyle as a whole. Your performance can determine the rest of your life, and that's why I will give everything I have to do the best I possibly can.

"Our new home is truly beautiful," Jess whispers while staring out at the vast district seemingly laid out in front of us.

I join her and look at where the horizon meets the tops of buildings, people in black roam the somewhat crowded streets, diversity seeming to be everywhere you look. Messages are found artistically made into a masterpiece of vandalism on almost any wall the eye can see. This district may have it's violence, gangs, and mix of bad people, but it also has a sort of beauty to it.

As I look at I can't help but agree, "it really is."


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Goal: 400 votes and 150 comments

Let's see if we can get 3k votes on the whole story for an early update. So if you haven't voted for the earlier chapters then go do that!

What's everyone's favorite song at the moment?

Mine would have to be Stay With Me by Sam Smith, I know it's quite popular but in reality it's a really beautiful song.

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Instagram: @heswriting

-Jo x

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