Chapter 4

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We sit in a classroom, as she explains everything to us and the purpose of the wizards. "You must stop them," Ms. Faragonda states, before looking at us. "You must find the location of the last earth fairy."

I nod. "We'll find her as soon as we get packed," I say, as she purses her lips in concentration. I hurry to my room, as tons of students stare at us for a moment. "Hello, girls!" Rena says, with a relaxed smile.

"Did you lose to those wizards?" One of them asks. I shake my head no, before forcing a smile. Stella looks at them, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration. "We didn't want to have a full out battle with them, so Aqua teleported them far away," Stella states, as they cheer in excitement.

"See...?" Another fairy says proudly. "The Winx are so cool!" The fairies hurry off, as I sigh heavily. We walk into our dorm, as I look at the ground and wonder why they were so hard to fight.

"Magic orb, pack my things," I order, as everything flies into my suitcase. I lower my head in defeat. I barely had time to use my magic orb and make them disappear from Alfea.

"Aqua!" A voice calls. Stella stands there, with a bright smile on her face. Is she actually excited about this? Four powerful wizards made fools of us! We lied to younger fairies just to make ourselves look good! "Yeah?" I respond.

"Aqua, use your orb to find the location of the last earth fairy," Rena states, butting into the conversation. My eyes widen in shock. She's right. I could find the last earth fairy using my magic orb.

"Magic orb, tell me the location of the last earth fairy," I state. The orb lights up, as the sign of Gardenia comes into view. My eyes widen in surprise, before I make the orb disappear into thin air.

"Where is she, Aqua?" Bloom questions. I turn to her, having a bright smile on my face. Bloom will love this! "She's in Gardenia!" I state. "Also, guess what? I have a car in Gardenia!" All of them look at me in astonishment, as I run a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, Stella and I rode in it before," Bloom says, looking at me. "That's where we had the same opinion about Mitzi." I smile, before putting my hands on my hips.

"Let's head to the courtyard," I state, as the headmistress waits for us there. She nods in our direction, seemingly pleased. "Did you find the location of the last earth fairy?" She asks.

"She's in Gardenia," Flora murmurs, as the woman smiles. The headmistress nods in response, as a smile flashes across my face. "Well, I have a few people who want to see you," she states, as a Red Fountain hovercraft comes into view.

The ship lands, as the guys walk out of it. Jax approaches me, before engulfing me in a hug. "Jax, I've missed you so much!" I state, before burying my face into his chest. He gently runs a hand through my hair and holds me close to him.

"I heard that you girls were attacked by some wizards," he whispers, as I sigh heavily. "Were they tougher than me?" I chuckle to myself, before giving him a kiss on the lips. I shrug my shoulders, as he smiles softly.

He kisses me on my forehead, before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Jax, I—" I start. Out of the corners of my eyes, I notice the headmistress beckoning for us to head over to her. I look at the ground, feeling sad that we have to leave already.

"Winx, it's time to go," Ms. Faragonda states. "Here's the portal to Gardenia." I exchange a longing look with Jax, before walking into the portal. For now, this is good bye to Magicix.

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