Chapter 14

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I sit at the fruity music bar, being completely relaxed. If anything, I just want some action. I'm so bored of drinking smoothies every second I can get. By the time this is over, I'll be fat and have no life.

I heave a sigh, before getting to my feet. "Sky, do you want to go surfing?" Mitzi asks, as I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. I look at Bloom, as a hurt look crosses her face.

I walk towards them, before turning to Bloom. "Bloom, do you want to go surfing with me?" I ask, as she nods lightly. "I'll teach you how to surf." I lead the way outside, before renting some surfboards.

Both of us put on our bathing suits. I wear a blue bikini, having a bright smile on my face. Bloom has a hot pink bikini with blue spots. "Yay! I cannot wait!" She says excitedly.

"Bloom, copy me," I say sharply, as she nods in response. I run into the ocean, before laying on the board and using my arms to swim forward. As we make it to the deeper water, I sit on the surfboard and prepare to ride the wave.

I stand up on the board, before looking back and noticing Bloom fall into the water. As I ride the wave, I flip into the air and start to spin. After that, I land back on the wave, before returning to shore. Everyone starts to cheer, as Bloom approaches me, with a frown on her face. "I don't think I'll get this," she groans.

"If you say so," I say, noticing the guys checking us out. I roll my eyes in annoyance, before searching the crowd for Jax. In a way, I wish he was out here. "Why are you so good at water sports?" Bloom asks.

"Well, I am the fairy of the water stars," I whisper, as she nods lightly. She turns to look at me, as a hopeful expression appears on her face. "Can you make me even better than Sky?" She questions.

I chuckle to myself. "I can do anything with water," I state, before rolling my eyes. "I'll control the water under you." I place my hands on her board, before casting a spell on it. She nods, as a smile appears on her face. Since this is a contest, she needs to beat Sky, and then I'll beat her.

As Bloom sets off on the surfboard, she was surprisingly exceptional. "Yay! I'm doing it!" She proclaims, before holding out her arms. I nod lightly, as the other members of the Winx approach me and stare at Bloom.

"She's doing really well," Aisha states, raising her eyebrows in astonishment. "Aqua, you taught her, didn't you?" I shrug my shoulders, before taking out my surfboard. If Bloom does alright, then I need to do even better.

I smile, before making a giant wave and heading towards the top of the wave. I flip on top of the wave and glance around, as Aisha does a flip inside of the wave. I purse my lips in concentration, trying to think of something else I could do.

"Aqua, you can't beat me," Aisha states, as I shoot her a glare. "I'm the fairy of waves after all." I arch a brow, before meeting her gaze. She isn't the fairy of the water stars. That's me! I look at her, as a smile curves around my lips.

"Aisha, you have to remember that I can make it possible," I say, before going into a wave and spinning all around. A second later, I jump out of it and flip into the air. Aisha glares at me, before groaning angrily. Being close cousins, we frequently compete with each other a lot.

"Okay!" Aisha declares, before heading straight towards a wave and doing a backflip on it. I smirk in her direction, knowing that she doesn't fail to prove herself. I do the exactly same thing, before tossing the board into the air and landing perfectly on it.

As we make it back to the shore, everyone stares at us in astonishment. "You both are so amazing!" Bloom cheers. "That was awesome!" I exchange a look with Aisha, as a smile forms on her face.

"The winner is Aqua!" A voice states, catching me off guard. Who said that? A man walks towards us, intently staring at me. "We'll have a rematch soon," Aisha says, as he hands me the award.

It was free smoothies for my friends and I for a month. I smile, as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. "Aisha, look at this!" I state, as a smile curves around her lips.

"Girls!" Rena states abruptly. "Something is wrong! I can sense it! I think Roxy is in danger!" My eyes widen in horror. This cannot be. We start to make a run for it, hoping to save Roxy before it's too late.

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