Fairy Tail Dragon/Devil Mating Season...

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Hello! As you probably would of read earlier...This is a FAIRY TAIL Mating season novel. This means any slayers that are not in the FairyTail guild will most likely not be included. If I finish this book and enough people request I add Cobra/Erik, Sting and Rogue.  I will either make a sequel or add these slayers too my story. Ships in this are:






I also do not own Fairy Tail and unfortunately never will...Although I would love too!

Without Further a-do! I present you Fairy Tail, Dragon/Devil Mating season.

P.S- The ships are in no particular order of favouritism above. Just In a random order although Gruvia is my main ship in fairy tail. Which is why It came to my mind first.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion please respect the fellow fandoms main ships!! >.<

I also doubt I will be making lemons in this story. Maybe some intense scenes but nothing above kissing.

Fairy Tail Dragon and Devil Mating Season. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now