Chapter 26: Shut Up Lottie, No One Is Listening

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Twenty Six: Shut Up Lottie, No One Is Listening

Lottie's Point of View


"G ... Gin ... Ginny and ... L ... Luna!"

"Alex! Alex ... and ... Alex?"

"Oh shut up, I'm coming!" I yelled, slowly skidding around the corner of the corridor after Alex who was ten miles ahead. She had come to a halt in front of Ginny and Luna, who seemed to be standing guard of a corridor, and was having a frantic conversation with them when I collapsed at their feet,

"I'm just ... I'm going to ... just ..." I panted quietly,

"Garrotting gas ... yeah ... that ..."

"Don't bullshit me, Ginny. You know you can't get past me." Alex looked down at Ginny. It was easy to see Ginny had both disappointed and pissed off Alex,

"Just lay down ... lay down here a while ..." I rested my head on the stone floor. It was freezing. It was fantastic,

"Look." Ginny said quietly. I could only just hear over the throbbing in my head from my recent sprint, "They've gone into Umbridge's office."

"What the hell for?!" Alex exclaimed. She was doing my exclaiming for me,

"They're going to try use her fire place to find out if ..." Ginny's voice dropped more, "Sirius is still at number twelve before they go rushing off to London."

"So we are rushing off to London today? Yes! I knew it! Come on!" Alex grabbed my hand and snatched me upright. I stood limply with my arms hanging loosely at my sides,

"Can't I just ... stay here?" I went to lay back down, but Alex grabbed my shoulder and yanked it up. I wobbled, then broke into a sprint after her towards Umbridge's office.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Is all ... all this running ... really ... really necessary?" I almost choked on my own breath. Alex threw her head back to face me and laughed,

"We haven't got time to waste, man!"

"I won't have a lung to spare after this." I muttered to myself as I came to a steady halt beside Alex. She glared at me disapprovingly, and our gazes lifted to the stairs before us. Never had it seem such a Bond mission to go into her office, and it probably never would again,

"Let go off my hair!" A shout came. Alex and I whipped around in unison and saw the faint figures of Ginny and Luna, along with someone who looked suspiciously like Neville,

"No time to waste." Alex said, grabbing my arm and pulling me around like a rag doll once more. I ended up crouched under a cabinet whilst Alex had stuffed herself behind a knight's armour. It was a struggle for me to be able to breath, considering I needed to pant and get back my rightful oxygen amounts when I'd just lost a ton too much, and then being so secretly silent that I knew Alex was probably expecting me not to breath at all. How they got by me was a miracle. A convenient miracle. Once the sound of Umbridge's wooden door colliding forcefully with the stone doorway had echoed around the hall, Alex slipped out from behind the knight and lifted the cabinet slightly,

"Come on, we need to get in there."

"Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no." I shook my head slowly, "No."

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