Chapter 16: Ah, Isn't Love Sweet?

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Sixteen: Ah, Isn't Love Sweet?

Lottie's Point Of View

As I was brushing my teeth and staring at myself in the mirror, I realised that I should probably remake my promise and keep to it this time. Yeah. Not to cause arguments or pick faults because now isn't the time. When we arrived back from shopping, Alex had waltzed into Grimmauld Place with a school's worth of Christmas presents for me to choose from, made up my fall of relationship with Lupin as well as correcting any indifferences I may have still had with Fred to the point it felt like nothing had ever happen, and even had chance to plait my hair whilst teaching me the violin before being unable to tackle any stairs and sleeping in the hallway outside my room. I'm not really sure either. So from now, since Alex had cleaned up my messes, I'm going to opt to be the nicer lionhearted girl I was before this school year had begun; to go back to being the Lottie I was last year and the year before. I spat out the toothpaste, and was faced with my bedraggled hair, pyjamas and expression in the mirror.

I'll start after Christmas.

Good plan.

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"Loottie ..." Someone said softly. It sounded like they were laid next to me. I ignored them, "Loooooottie ..." They repeated. I still ignored them, "Loooooottie, it's Christmaaaaass ..."

"What?!" I asked and shot up, smacking my forehead with George's as I flew upright,

"Merry Christmas!" George said happily, quickly turning away to make a face of pain whilst rubbing his forehead with his hand before turning back to me with a large grin and his arms open. I got up and jumped into them, grinning at the thought of our first Christmas together ... my first Christmas with a family ... my real family,

"Merry Christmas Georgie." I smiled as I sat upright, noticing his pyjamas. I laughed to myself, isn't he just the cutest?

"Well, come on then!" George said, grabbing my hand sharply. I was up and out of my bed and across my room like a shot, "It must be at least nine thirty by now! And you've had no breakfast!"

"What's the rush, Weasley?" I asked and George ignored me, continuing to drag me urgently down the million stairs from my room on the fourth floor to the kitchen slash dining room on the ground floor. Why didn't we apparate? I don't know. It's George. He's nuts, therefore it's better not to ask. He almost burst down the kitchen door and finally let go of my hand,

"Fifteen ... fifteen ... Merlin, I did not plan for fifteen ..."

"Good morning Mrs Weasley!" I called as we passed through the kitchen,

"Lottie! Dear! Merry Christmas! Oh goodness, the parsnips!"

"Look!" George exclaimed, pulling me into the dining room. I gasped as I took in the eyes staring at me,

"Morning Lottie!" Lupin, Sirius, Fred, Ron and Harry's voices chorused at me. There was also another man who I didn't recognise immediately, but he still beamed at me regardless. I curled my lip up slightly through shock and embarrassment, trying to discretely pull my pyjama shirt down to hide my turtle covered pyjama shorts,

"Uh, hey guys." I said nervously, "Where are the ... females?"

"Front room!" Sirius smiled, "Alex had being asking for you to get her to find her name in the tree room."

Try And Tame The Terrors **Harry Potter/George Weasley Story** (BOOK3)Where stories live. Discover now