Chapter 18: Show Me The Way Home

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Eighteen: Show Me The Way Home

Lottie's Point of View

"He's back!"

"He's back?" Alex and I chorused, sticking our heads around the corner of the landing. Fred and George were standing at the bottom of the stairs grinning up at us,

"He's back! He's back!"

"He's really back!" We chorused again, thumping down the stairs to see Mr Weasley, two tiny kittens following in our shadows. We scooped them up when we reached the bottom of the stairs and followed the group of Weasley's into the dining room of Grimmauld Place,

"Cured! Completely cured!" Mr Weasley beamed, still wearing his stripy pyjamas. I noticed Alex had Tiddles perched on her shoulder like a parrot, and I had to roll my eyes, "What's happened here?"

"Huh?" I stuck my head around the door to see Sirius and Snape with their wands held up against each other, and Harry struggling to push Sirius back into his chair,

"What is it?"

"Hold my cat." I carefully passed Dingo to Alex. It didn't answer her question, but I didn't have time. I marched into the dining room and opened fire, "What on earth is going on here?!"

"Lottie!" The two men said, lowering their wands immediately. Harry was knocked over onto the floor. I stared at him then back to Snape and Sirius, who were both awkwardly shuffling away from each other. I folded my arms, looked from one to the other and starting tapping my foot,

"I'm waiting."

"Nothing!" Sirius innocently held up a hand, then quickly swapped hands when he saw he'd held up his wand and given away any cover he thought he had,

"I don't believe you." I told him. There was another silence, until Snape swished his robes impatiently and looked at Harry,

"Monday evening. Six o'clock Potter." Snape said quietly, before Sirius glared him out of the room and watched him down the corridor and out of the front door. Harry was still sitting on the floor. I rolled my eyes at him,

"Get up." Was all I said to him. Idiot,

"Well!" Sirius said happily as he re-entered the room and Harry fumbled to get up, "Cured eh, Arthur? Brilliant!"

"You're not even off the hook darling, there's nothing brilliant about the situation you're in." I told Sirius. He nodded, and slowly shuffled along the table and slumped back into his chair. The Weasley's and Alex followed me up the table and Mrs Weasley forced Mr Weasley into his usual chair,

"What's being going on then Sirius?" Mr Weasley asked. Alex sat next to me and set the kittens down on the table, who were pawing gently at each other,

"They're so cute."

"Yes Lottie, well done."

"Arthur, it's nothing." Sirius said, laying a hand on the table, "Just school ... friends having a, erm ... chat."

"Oh right yeah whatever."

"Shut up Alex."

"I haven't even started yet."

"And you're a lot better then?" Sirius' smile seemed to be taking a lot more effort than should be necessary,

"That's great news!" I smiled, and Alex nodded,

"It's really great."

"It is, isn't it?" Mrs Weasley said, putting her arms around her husband's neck loosely and grinning. Mr Weasley rolled his eyes to us, but the small smile appearing on his face showed he'd been missing her too,

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