Chapter 20: Woe Is Quidditch

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Twenty: Woe Is Quidditch

Lottie's Point Of View

"Dingo! C'mon!" I told him irritably. It was four days after Hogsmeade, and Harry had just declared a DA meeting in a few hours, so I was taking the cats for a walk and searching for a metamorphmagus, "Look, this is no time for pissing up rocks."


"No! Come on!" I told him, and edged down the side of the hill towards Black Lake, Dingo joining me on my left and Tiddles trotting nicely on my right. We reached the edge of the lake, and upon first inspection I couldn't see her, "ALLEEX!" I bellowed. The very top of the water rippled slightly, but there wasn't a yell in reply. A rock then collided with the back of my head and I stumbled forward into the edge of the water. I spun round and looked up,

"Wet feet!" Alex yelled at me. I looked down at them then shook my head, wading out of the water and towards the tree trunk. I stared up at her, frowning slightly, and she shrugged her shoulders,

"Why are you up the tree?"

"Why are you down there?" Alex said back. I pulled a face of questioning, and she jumped from the branch she was seated on and landed gracefully next to her cat. Tiddles then began to purr and rub around Alex's legs, so she picked her up and was fussing her,

"Don't even consider, you're a man." I told Dingo when I felt him pawing at my ankle. He meowed at me, and I gave in. Alex and I began to make our way back up to Hogwarts, me with a baby-like Dingo and Alex with a parrot-like Tiddles,

"Did you and George get it all sorted on Sat'day?" Alex asked, "Even I was beginning to get confused."

"Ah, a lady never tells unless it's over coffee."

"But I don't like coffee."

"Ah, a lady never tells unless it's over tea and coffee."

"Maybe we should get our arses down to the kitchens then?" Alex asked, then grinned at me. I shook my head and laughed lightly,

"There isn't much this lady can tell! All that really happened was we decided to clean the slate. Anything that we had or had not decided or thought about was totally forgotten."

"So it's like you've started your relationship again?"

"Yeah, from square one. I guess you could say we've started again. It's not exactly a lie."

"Are you ... Like ..." Alex waved her hands awkwardly in the space in front of her,

"Obviously we're not going to go back and do all the steps again Al, but--"

"Yeah, because I don't think I could get any dodgers on such a short notice." I rolled my eyes at her,

"But we're just going to try spend a bit more ... Personal time together ... like ... And just ... Do whatever we want to."

"You're getting a bit deep then, eh?" Alex asked. We had reached the castle now, and we set the cats down who went trotting off up the stairs whilst we headed for the kitchens,

"I mean, we didn't do anything but--"

"You didn't do anything?"

"Not exactly but--"

"There was oppotunities?"

"If we're thinking of the same thing, yes but it--"

"Ah! Lottie, Lottie, Lottie." Alex patted my shoulder, "Little Lottie Lupin."

Try And Tame The Terrors **Harry Potter/George Weasley Story** (BOOK3)Where stories live. Discover now