Chapter 19: Keep Up

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Nineteen: Keep Up

Lottie's Point of View

"I must say, I'm quite proud of you saying that to her, Lee."

"It wasn't anything spectacular." Lee shrugged. We was walking down the third floor corridor towards the staircases, "It was just the truth! I wasn't going to let her yell at the twins like that!"

"Even if they was playing Exploding Snap in a Dark Arts lesson?" Alex asked,

"Fuck that! According to degree whatever, she can't tell us off! It isn't her 'area of teaching'." Fred said, raising and lowing his eyebrows in a sassy fashion,

"If Umbridge wants to start throwing degrees around then she wants to stick to them."

"Lee's right, you know." Alex said as Lee folded his arms, "You can't say teachers aren't allowed to discuss matters outside the subject, and then do it yourself. It's hypocritical."

"Well, it's not like it's new twin like behaviour." I rolled my eyes,

"And that's coming from the Head Girl."

"But I can't say I'm proud of you two for playing the game in the first place." I told the twins over my shoulder, "You're suppose to--"

"The only person's good side we need to stay on is Mums." Fred informed me,

"Other than that--"

"They either like us--"

"Or they don't." George put his arm around my shoulders and I rolled my eyes again,

"Would it kill the pair of you to try once in a while?"

"I tried that spell in Transfiguration but McGonagall didn't seem impressed." Fred said innocently. I heard Alex folding her arms roughly,

"Your teapot was a teacup."

"Easy mistake."

"Well this is my stop, I'll be seeing you guys around!" Lee waved and ran off up the stairs towards the Divination tower. We called our goodbyes after him then continued up to the common room,

"So what'd you think about these death eaters breakouts then, eh?" Alex said, bouncing in front of me and George,

"Shouldn't you ... never mind."

"I think it's especially pathetic that the Minister is actually going to go and let someone publish shit like that in a newspaper about You Know Who's deatheaters without believing he's back! That's like saying 'Oh well I sure believe in heaven but there is no way a hell'! It just doesn't work like that! If you take half of the story on board, you gotta take the other or ... or ..."

"You look like a dumbwit fucktard with no friends and a blank future?"

"Yeah! That!" I pointed enthusiastically at Alex, accepting her explanation," And you can't just go back blaming Sirius again!"

"But he has escaped from Azkaban before, plus there's is the fact he's a mass murderer so ... it would make sense." Fred said,

"Are you out of your mind?!" I almost shouted. Fred raised his eyebrows like he was trying to hint something, and he made out his fingers were legs running across his palm whilst George tapped at his ears and his eyes flew around the room,

"You understand, yeah? Fred said very slowly,

"Oh. Right ..." From the twin's awful visual aid, I gathered they were trying to refer that if anyone walking about and eavesdropping. I mean, you don't advertise you've being living with a believed murderer I guess,

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