Chapter 22: Perchance to Dream

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Chapter 22: Perchance to Dream

That was fun, Azaiah had to admit. True, the day might not have gone how he watned, and the fog and staied throughout the entire day, making it seem like there was something weird about it, but it did make the water ballon war more fun. “Where’d Alex go?” Miles asked as the three of them were changing into clotehs that weren’t completely soaked by all the activities.

“I havent’ seen him all day,” Mark said.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Azaiah said, really hoping that was true.  The fog hadn’t done anyting to anyone here, but at the saem time, Azaiah wondered if it was a delayed reaction, and he couldn’t get over seeing his dad like that. He decided to give the hospital a call, to see if there was any progress on him so far.

But, much to his dismay, there asn’t anything. He was in good health, other than the whole not waking up thing. It still worried him though, it wasn’t like his dad to just enter a comma. He decided he should visit the hospital tomarrow when he was done with work to make sure things were allright.

After putting some dry clothes on, Azaiah went back outside, and just like before, the fog layed havily on the camp. “You cant’ blame me for doing what it took to win,” he heard Aaron say. Through the fog he could see him and Foxie talking.

“Hey, what’s going on here?” Azaiah asked.

“I was just admiring what a wonderful display of heroism that Aaron showed when he lead his team to victory,” Foxie said with a roll of her eye. “Though Billy Bob was really hoping that I would bring home the victory, though sadly it will have to wait another year.”

“So how did you pull that off?” Azaiah asked, “whatever it was that you just did back there?”

“ah, young Jacob,” Aaron said, both forgetting the name or the main character, along the fact that Azaiah was older than him, “You see the great evils in this world will not fall simply by the pacive life. No, they must be faced headone with the strength that never falters and the power that never wanes. That’s why, all my life I have trained with this blade, honed our bond and let her form be a part of me. That way no foe, water balloon or otherwise can stand against the might of me and Zabimaru.”

Azaiah nodded, and decided he should just go on his way, even if the fog still laid heavily on him. Oh well, maybe tomarrow it would go away, and then he might finally get the answers that he was so desperate for.

Entering the cabin, he saw that Mark was already in bed, though Miles was up, sitting backwards in the chair by his bed, as he was looking at the door. “What’s wrong?” Azaiah asked.

“I’m worried about Alex,” Miles said. “He normally hangs out with you, so what happened with him?”

Azaiah thought about telling the truth, but he couldn’t say that he told Alex to run away from here, though admitingly, he did wonder where he’d managed to find shelter. Between the heat, and everything else, it was dangerous to be out alone at night. “I think he said he was going to hang out with a girl he ran into today during the water balloon war. Then he’ll be bback sometime later.”

“All right, I’ll stay up to make sure he gets back okay.”

It seemed strange how much Miles cared about Alex, though maybe that was a good thing, he found a friend, and didn’t want to just lose him like this. Azaiah was a bit cirous too, so decided to text Alex as he got into bed.

Are you okay?

Yeah, hanging out in a 24 hour café for now. Spent most of the time in a library reading today. How are things there?

We won the water balloon war The fog is till around though.

Anyone bothered by it

Dad ended up being passed out. They took him to the hospital, so I’m worried. But he was the only one.

Is he okay?

They think so, but they don’t know.

I’m sure he will be, your dad seemed to be pretty gough.

Azaiah waited, not sure of what to say. Sure, his dad seemed to be strong, he’d fought in a number of battles before, using his ghost like abilities to catch osme criminals that would have other wise been impossible to bring down. But even so, he wsa only human and could only fight if he knew the foe. This fog though, it came from nowhere

Should I come back tonight? I’m about half an hour away from the camp by bike

Azaiah didn’t know. He was afraid Miles might end up spreading the secret that Alex had disaperead, but he couldn’t tell Milse the real reason or it, nto to mention the fact that he was afraid the fog might do something to Alex.

If your safe, stay there. The fog still bothers me.

All right, I think I can stay here a whiel in the corner without them kicking me out.

Azaiah did feel bbad about this, having to force Alex to stay the night in a random resterant in town. This wasn’t right, but at the same time, he wondered just what was going on here. Maybe he would have been smart to leave as well, to somehow watch from afar. Maybe he could have even had alex stay behind while he hid somewhere. But it was too late now, this was the decision he made, so he figured he might as well follow through with it and hope for the best.

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