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Nadia's Pov
I continuously call Drea's phone to see where the fuck she is because this coming home late has become a habit for her and I've been letting it slide because she's going through a tough time but I can't take it no more. Every time I called her phone went straight to voicemail. I tried again but stopped seeing her come through the door. "H-hey sexy. " she talked with a slur. "Don't hey sexy me where you been?" I asked her crossing my arms. "I was out with some homies why?" She said cupping my ass in her hands kissing all on me. "No Drea I'm tired of this you can't keep coming home late and expecting me to be ok with it." I said pushing her off of me. "It ain't that serious." She said picking me up putting me on the couch. "No it is I don't want this to come out bad but I'm not excepting that same excuse about your mom is why you acting this way because it's not." I told her as she stopped touching and kissing on me. "Ight Nadia." She said with tension in her voice walking away. "No you need to listen to me." I turned her back around. "Nah, I don't." She said going upstairs. "You do because all I've been trying to do is show you the love you need and the comfort you need and you push me away and do shit like this I got feelings too but you don't seem to give a fuck and you always come home smelling up the house with weed and my baby be around." I told her following up the stairs as she ignored me. We reached our room and she still didn't respond. "An'Drea you make excuses on top of excuses to get away with things. I'm not letting it slide no more. There's so many other ways to overcome things like this and you chose to go out and stay out until the sun comes up." I said as she turns around directly in my face. "Leave me the fuck alone everything ain't always about you, oh you so tired of all this stuff well let's talk about what I'm tired of. I'm tired of always hearing you complain about the wrongs I've made just shut the fuck up already damn! I'm tired of you always going to Josh's house almost every two days. I tired of you period!" She yelled getting closer and closer until I was at the wall. She slammed her hand against the wall walking back out of the room. I sat in the middle of our bed taking out my phone calling Amber. "Hello?" She answered wide awake. "I give up.." I simply said and she already knew what I was talking about. "Girl no you didn't y'all are both just upset about something and letting everything out." She said. "No I'm seriously done she told me to leave her alone and she's tired of me." I said holding back my tears. "Well baby all I can tell you is to leave. Leave but still support her she is going through something very sad but she has to understand she's like a mother to all of us and we all know how to manage our anger and depression and pain in a different way." Amber said as I wipe away my tears. "She's only worried about herself I'm done Amber I'm still staying in this house but we're not going to be together." I told her. "If that doesn't work out you can always come over here you know that." She told me. "Thanks but I don't wanna be in the way ima let you sleep boo goodnight." I told her hanging up the phone. I put my phone down looking up at the ceiling. "God help me through this." I said to myself. I laid back down going to sleep because I can't even cry about it no more.


The morning
Nadia POV

I woke up with a major headache and been missing my babygirl. I FaceTimed Josh to see what she's up to. "Good morning, where's Liyah?" I said as he answered just waking up. "Good morning she's right here and why are you up so early?" He asked showing me sleeping Liyah turning the phone back to him. "Long ass story." I told him as he nodded.  "Ok I took them to see Aunt Pearl yesterday after you left they loved her." He said laughing. "Aww how she doing?" I asked him as Drea walks in. "She's doing good actually." He said as I looked up at Drea then back down at the phone. "Well I'll be over there in a little see y'all then." I told him moving my hair out of my face. "Ight see you then." He said before hanging up. I got up to get dressed. I went to the closet putting on ripped high waist blue jeans a black spaghetti strap tank top with a red and black flannel shirt leaving it open and some black and white vans. I let my hair loose grabbing my keys, phone and purse leaving out of the room. "Where you going?" Drea asked me as I kept walking. I walks down the stairs going out the front door to my car. I got in driving out of the driveway way heading to  to Josh's house to get my baby. I drove 15 minutes down the road to his house parking in his driveway. Drea continuously texted me and I finally checked my phone.

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