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nadia pov


"bae I'm bout to get ready and go get the building ready for the baby shower." I yelled from upstairs because he was downstairs playing 2k17 I bought him."Ight babe why you just won't tell me what the gender is and I could help you put it together."he said tryna be slick."uhhh no i got plenty of help already but thanks baby."I said kissing him and walking out the door. "Ight babe love you be safe."he told me."love you too baby."I said getting into the car.I headed to amber house and we went to the store and got all of the gender reveal balloons. the place was already decorated with blue and pink balloons and wall paper. The cake was huge woth black fondant,covered in blue and pink icing but the cake it self is the gender reveal on the inside. "omg girl this is nice, hell we don't have to do nothing just put pink glitter on your throne and blue in josh's." amber said as she grab the glitter throwing it on the thrones. "I can't believe this is actually happening like I'm big and pregnant before you amber." I said laughing."girl I said the same thing but let's go back to the boys and tell them to start inviting they family and friends."amber said as i wobbled to the door. We got to the car, I pulled out my phone to text Josh.

Wife💕:babe post our babyshower invitation now and make sure it say guy in blue girl in pink.

Husband🔐:Ight I did it and are you on your way?

Wife💕:Yea I'm like 10 minutes away and when I get dressed we gone head back to the place.

Husband🔐:ok ima already ready

Wife💕:great love you

Husband🔐:I love you too babymomma😉💀

We pulled up in the parking lot to see Josh and Chris in baby blue everything,super cute. "aww baby you look so good in blue." I said going up to Josh hugging him.On his shirt it said Daddy Josh in white letter with his baby blue suede Adidas. I went to go get ready upstairs. I put on my pastel pink jersey dress that said mommy Nadi with my hair in a bunch with my suede pastel pink Adidas. After I got dressed amber took Josh and I a picture while I was holding a baby blue rose and Josh holding a pastel pink rose."ayean let's go I'm ready." Jordan came out flexing his shirt that says Uncle Jay causing us all to laugh. Chris had on his shirt that said uncle Chris and ambers said Auntie Ambi. "ok yall let's go we already late to our own babyshower."Josh said opening the car door for me..




Josh pov.


We got to the babyshower and the place was packed with family members, fans, and friends. I signed a couple autographs and went in after Nadia took a couple pics with the fans. "baby look we got thrones." she said smiling. I love to see her smile it make me smile mane. "I see let's go sit." I told her as she went to stand next to the throne. "I just wanna thank everyone for coming out tonight before we get things started."nadia said to everyone before siting back down.I looked to my left and seen Aries looking horrible and I looked back at nadia, my heart stopped. I gave a sign to Aries to step outside really quick and she did. "aye bae ima step outside real quick I'll be back in like five minutes."I said walking towards the door. "Aries what you doing here?"I asked her as tears filled her eyes. "I just wanted to come a support and Apologize for the other day and for the way I showed out at the after party... I kinda wasn't taking my meds at the time but im better now." she said smiling weakly with bags under her eyes. She looked so beat up and tired kinda made me wonder wassup with her."aye yout good? you not looking to good." I told her as she looked down trying to cover something on her belly even tho she had on a crop top as her knees trimbled. "ye-yea I'm goo-" she said before falling to the ground. "oh shit Aries get up!" I yelled holding her up. She seemed to have fainted so I took her to my car and sat her in the passenger seat and ran back into the building to tell them what's going on. I know it's my child's baby shower but I cant just let Aries sit in my car unconscious. I went up to Nadia and whispered in her ear."babe I gotta take this girl to the hospital she fainted in the parking lot and I can't leave her out there I'll make it up to you promise." she just stared at me with worried eyes as i backed away and ran back outside. I hoped in the car and sped to the hospital. I looked over at her and her private was bleeding so I took one of my extra t shirts and stuck it in between her legs until we arrived at the hospital. She was bleeding alot when I picked her up and carried her inside as a nurse rushed a wheel chair over."do you know what happened to he sir?" she asked me. "no she just fainted at my babyshower and I just noticed that she was bleeding from down there." I said as they took her in the back. I stayed there for 2 hours until the doctor came out with some results. "well shes gonna be ok she just suffered from heat exhaustion and lack of blood. we're gonna keep her here so you're good to go and we will keep you updated."he told me as I went in the room she was in."aye call me if you need anything Aries and not for just nothing."I told her as she laughed. "I will but ima be alright so I might not need to call you and thank you Josh."she said eating the McDonald's I brought back for her."Ight I'm out I'll prolly be back in the morning."I told her as i walked out the room. I know she did some crazy fucked up shit but I still got love for her as a friend. I  headed back to the babyshower. I walked in and Nadia looked upset but tryna smile to hide it while opening the gifts. I walked back to my throne and sat down and watched her open them. She side eyed me  with a attitude."bae can we talk." I said quiet enough to where she only hear it. "there's nothing to talk about everything is fine."she said not even looking at me.o shook my head and continue watching her open the gifts. Then from the corner of my eye I seen my auntie pearl. I quickly hopped up and hugged her. "hey baby how you been."she asked hugging me tightly. "I been good but right now stressing bad auntie."I told her."why what's wrong. "she said letting me go. "well Nadi upset at me for some reason  I dont know  why."I told her as she knodded  her head. "well lemme meet her." she said looking over my shoulder on her tip toes."Ight she right over there you want me to go with you or-."I tryed to asked before she walked over there. seeing Aries that way really got me thinking b....




Nadia pov

As i opened the last of the a pretty older lady approached me  with a warm smile."hi honey I'm ms.pearl, josh's aunt."she said hugging me then touching my belly."oh hi nice to finally meet  you."I told her as we hugged. "look baby Josh was doing a good deed for a dirty bitch..excuse my language but it's true."she said causing me to laugh. "It's ok but who was it."I asked her. "It was Aries girl she fell out in the parking lot and bleeding  out her girl parts a little too much. " she told me shaking her head. "oh man, we'll at least he actually  gotta heart cuz you know that girl ain't got no family."she said. when she said that kinda had me thinking if she ain't got nothing  or nobody then why she act the way she does."well baby ima let you finish up what you were doing, nice meeting you again and remember  you ever need anything call me."she said making me feel like we gone be super close already. "you too ms.pearl. After she walked away Josh come over to me looking all shocked up and nervous."look nad-" he tryed to explain before  I covered hi mouth. "I know babe, I'm proud  of you."I told him as a smile grew on his face. "ok good are we ready for the gender reveal  yet?"he asked me even though  it slipped my mind. "oh shit, yea we ready for it."I said as he stood in the middle of the room."aye yall it's time for the gender reveal."he yelled as everybody clapped in excitement. I grabbed the big black  balloon and stood next to him. Then I unexpectedly handed it to him as he cheesed making everyone  laugh. "alright yall ready count down." I said as everyone started counting down. "mane just pop the balloon already!" Jordan yelled from the back. Josh took the needle and popped it and pink confetti fell from the balloon causing all the girls to cheer and the guys to clap. "aye that's what's up a baby girl." Josh said in excitement. "ok so now we all know the gender is want everybody  in her to grab a balloon and hand it to all the kids in here and Jordan hit the light."I told them as everyone gave the kids a black balloon. When. Jordan turned off the lights the balloons had pink glow Stickers inside and the kids awed at it.By the time when did the glow balloons it easy dark outside so I did that just in time. "alright fam it's time to head out and we just wanted to say how grateful and thankful we are for all of you coming out tonight and we love you all, have a safe good night."Josh said as everyone  walked out. A couple of people stayed back to clean up so Josh and I can get home. When we arrived home Josh was being a lil too suspicious like hiding his phone and stuff. "Why everytime I look at you, you put your phone down?" I said as we laid in the bed together. "what? you trippin Imade just checking on Aires."he said still looking at his phone so I left it alone trusting that that was all he was doing. Then he started to smile at his phone like someone made his day or sum. Not even finna lie, I am the jealous type of girl when it comes to amber and josh. "what the fuck you smiling for?" I said taking his phone from him not even bothering to look at it. I gotta gut feeling some shit going on...

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