life changing

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Aires in the mm

"how can I trust you when you hiding shit like this from me?"

Aries pov.

Its been a week since I got out of the hospital. i woke up to a text message from Josh

Josh💔: aye we need to talk meet me at my house in 10 minutes.

I didn't reply I slid myself out of bed to freshen myself up. After I showered and brushed my teeth. I reached in the medicine cabinet and took out my meds. I stared at myself in the mirror and decided that it's time for a new look. I'm tired of looking like run down Aries, I wanna look like the happy, doing well Aries if that makes sense. I put on my PINK crop jacket which showed my belly piercing with the sweats to match and my blackUggs with the pink bows on the back since it was cold out. I know josh,said 10 minutes but fuck it he gone wait!! I pulled up to a new hair salon it was really nice super clean with great lighting. I walked up to the front desk. "hi welcome to N & A beauty salon how can I help you." a familiar voice said from the chair without turning around. "yes um I'd like a new color." I said touching my hair. "ok name please." she said still typing on the computer. "Aries Cruz" I said as she stopped typing on the computer and turned around in her chair slowly. It was Amber... As soon as I seen it was her I just turned around and walk towards the door because I know they wouldn't want me I'm their shop after all I've done, said, and ruined. "wait where you going?" she said causing me to stop. "I'll just find another place it's ok." I said pushing the door open. "look Aires business has nothing to do with our outside problems and we barely have those now come to the back and sit in the sink chair." she told me getting all her hair equipment ready. "thanks... and I wanted to apologize again for the way I behaved that was very childish and I was hoping yall could forgive me." I said as she washed my hair. "I mean I can accept it but you really shouldn't be apologizing to me baby you need to apologize to Nadia and Josh."she told me as she foiled and dyed my hair. after she finish foiling it we just sat there. For some reason I began to cry. "what wrong?" she asked me folding her arms. "I don't know I just feel like nobody understands me like I feel so alone but then again that's kind of my fault cuz I'm always pushing good people out of my life because of my trust issues man I'm tired of everything." I said wiping my teats away. "look Aries stop crying you gotta loosen up a little bit at least try and talk to someone ya know? hiding ya emotion just gonna build up more and more problems baby." she said grabbing my face holding back tears as i sniffled. no lie bit it felt so much better venting to someone about my problems for once since I dropped out of the therapy class. "alright you are all done, pink looks nice on you." Amber said smiling at me. I got up and hugged her tightly as she laughed. "eww girl get off me" she said laughing as I paid her. "here take my number in case you need to talk." she said taking my phone placing her number in. Did I really really just make a friend?.



Nadia's POV

I scroll through Josh's phone sewing lil messages from Aries. "what the fuck yo!" I yelled at him as he sat on the bed like he doesn't give a fuck about what I'm seeing. "you making it bigger than what it really is Nadi."he said with a smirk on is face. "No the fuck I'm not Josh you fucking flirting. with this girl and it looks like she tryna avoid you!" I said low key hurting. "not really flirting just making conversation." he said not even looking at me. "oh okay i miss you already? that's making conversation Josh? so if i got tell Drea that you wouldn't be mad huh?"I said shaking my head as he shrugged his shoulders. "you know what Josh I'm done." I said as he shot his head towards me. "what?" he asked finally responding. "you heard me bro I AM LEAVING. I finally realized that Aries ain't the real problem it's you entertaining these hoes out here! now you free bird fly the fuck away!"I said packing my things. "yo you not leaving cuz you pregnant." he said tryna put my stuff back. "no yes I am that's prolly why you want me to stay to keep your loyal and trust worthy reputation huh? fuck outta here josh."I said taking my things downstairs."babe come back mane." he said following me. "No Josh how am,I suppose to trust you when you hiding shit like this from me!" I said putting my things in the back of my Range Rover. I gotta show this nigga I ain't no bitch and I'm not gonna put up with no type of shit like that. When I got all my stuff in the car I went back inside to watch tv.



Josh pov

About 5 hours pass since I told Aries to come over and 3 since Naida left. To be honest that girl be fucking tripping for no damn reason. I shot a text to Aries.

Josh💔: no show?

Aries😩:calm down I'm on my way


30 minutes later Aries arrived to my house. I was sitting in the back yard watching the trees away and listen to the water in the pool. "Josh?" she yelled out looking for me. "I'm in the back!" I yelled back. She walked to the back causing me to jump up cuz I didn't recognize her. I stared at her for a while I mean a long ahh time. "um are you gonna talk cuz you did tell me that what we needed to do." she said folding her arms."uhhh y-yea you look good." I said losing my words. Lord knows that girl looking like a damn goddess with that pink hair fits well with her skin and body type. "soo... what we need to talk about cuz I got things to do josh." she said shifting all her wait on her right leg crossing her arms. Damn her attitude make her even more finer then she already is. "look Aries I miss you and the day I took you to the hospital that's where. I realized how much you real-" she interrupted me. "no you not finna do this to me I gotta go." she said putting her hand up walking away. I grabbed her hand as she looked at me like was crazy then look down at her wrist that was still holding. "are you fucking crazy dawg?! you got a whole girlfriend out here and you wanna fuck that up? you gotta good girlfriend yo and I'm not gonna be the one who ruins that like I'm always balked for no!" she said snatching away from me. "oh so now all of a sudden you don't want me no more?"I asked her. "No! I don't want you no more I've moved on josh. I am a changed person."she said shaking her head at me. "Ight whatever get out." I said sitting back down. "you know what Josh you really need to grow the fuck up. you still on some childish shit I'll be sure to tell nadia too dumb ass nigga." she said then cursed under her breath I'm Spanish. She slammed the patio door walking I don't need no female period...







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