changing me

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Nadia  POV
After Amber took off I called our investor."Um hi Stacey Amber and I pick out our top three pieces." I said in my proper voice. "oh good you can bring them to me when ever you're done working."Stacey said. "OK  great will do thank you." I said. " no problem , see you tomorrow bye." she said before hanging up. As soon as I hung up and tall handsome guy light skin, with curly brown hair with hazel eye about 5"9 came up to me. Now I know I don't fuck  with guys but damn he was perfect looking. "hey there." he said shining his pearly white teeth. "um.. wassup." I said back. "nothing I just couldn't help noticing your beautiful features so I had to say wassup." he said smiling still. " oh well thanks for noticing my face." I said sarcastically turning to my car getting in. "no no ma I did I wasn't even looking at your body until you just turned around." he joked. "hahaha so funny I'm leaving now." I said getting in my car and closing the door. "no wait I was joking but can I get ya  number?" he asked."well... funny thing is I'm gay." I said with a fake smile. " OK what if I just wanna  lady friends and have someone to talk to and give me advice?" he said causing me to think about it and how I need a guy friend to talk to."well I guess but just friends gimme your phone." I said holding my hand out."ight  here" he said still smiling as I gave him the stink eye." ima  call you when I get home." he yelled as I pulled off, I waved him off. The whole drive I was tryna figure out why in the hell  I gave that stranger my number. When I pulled up to my place I quickly sat on the couch and call Amber and tell her. "wassup mamas." she said loudly. "wassgood ma. But girl lemme tell you bout some guy at stake n  shake after you left." I said. "a guy? bitch  gay my ass." she yelled again. "shut up it ain't nothing like that' he was like he needed a lady friend for advice or sum like that, so we exchange numbers ,he was nice looking too."I told her. " awww he a cute one too sounds like someone turning straight."she joked."Amber shut up I'm not attracted to hi- hold up this him calling now ima call you back." I told her. "mhmm  straighty" she laughed as I hung up and answered his call. "well I didn't think you would answer for real."he said nervously  laughing. " yea don't get used to it." I laughed. "aww  man that's  that hurt." he says. "just kidding but you don't even know my name yet and I don't know yours what good friends we are." I said sarcasticly. "oh shit you right well what's your name lady-friend?" he joked. "Nadia  and what about you guy-friend?" I said back. "Joshua but I go by Josh."he said. "well nice to meet you Josh what advice do you need from me Josh."  I emphasized his name causing him to laugh."well lemme think......nope no advice needed right now just needed someone to talk to." he joked. "wow you called for nothing?." I said. " no you know I actually did call for something what do you do when you wanna get someone to leave you alone?" he said sounding serious. "well it depends on who it is." I said, playing with my nails."it's my ex she pregnant and tryna  plant the baby on me."he said surprising me. "wow baby momma? well first you should probably get a DNA test before disclaiming  the kid." I said laughing."not funny Nadia  she's fucking crazy." he said getting a little aggravated by my laughing." OK OK I'm sorry you right it ain't funny but for really tho go get that test." I said still giggling a little. "I guess you right ima get it done tomorrow and prove that ain't my kid but ima  call to later work early bye Nadia." she said cheering up."ight bye guy-friend Joshua." I said laughing. After we got off the phone I went straight to sleep with a awkward feeling that I have know idea where it came from but it wasn't uncomfortable.
three days later 9:45

I woke up quickly noticing what time it was. I called Amber, "Amber I'm so sorry in late on my way to the salon right now." I swmi-yelled through the phone. "um  girl chill no one was coming in today they would have call so we basically have the day off today so you good." she chuckled causing me to sigh in relief. " oh thank jesus I can lay back down."I said laughing. "um  no you can't We  have to take Stacey  our sketches and then you can lay back down." she said."oh yeah that's right well ima get dressed then we can head out." I said getting up starting up the shower getting in and doing my daily wash and lotioning all that good stuff. Since we had to dress nice so I put on my tight black shirt with my nude pencil skirt with my black heels and let my natural straight hair down. After getting dressed i got a text from Josh.

Josh💪: aye I took the test and he ain't mine😎

Nadia🌹:I don't know if I should congratulate you or feel bad😂

Josh💪:congratulate me cuz  now I ain't gotta worry bout tryna put me in child support 😂😂

Nadia🌹: well congrats guy😂😎

Josh: thanks lady but wyd later?😂

Nadia🌹:idek  yet I'm going to take care some business after that nothing ig why😞

Josh💪: oh just wondering if you can go with me to this lil graduation  thing we having for my brother.

Nadia🌹: well ima  be home around 5 or 6 but I'll see send me where you having it at.

Josh💪: Ight  good it start at 7:30 see you there I'll text you the address later😂

Nadia🌹:lol w.e Josh I guess I'll go.

Josh💪: OK cool lady-friend😎

Nadia🌹: Josh can I bring my girl?

Josh💪:your girl?? wow Um sure lol I guess

Nadia🌹: k ima  go get on the road

When I got to the Stacey's office I seen Amber sitting waiting for me. "heyy  ms. straight thangg." she joked and laughed. "I hate you amber." I joked back. "OK OK let's go talk to the investor and only God knows how long we gone be in here it's already 4:00pm." she complained. "oh yea at 7:30 can you come with me to this Lil get together? pleeeeaaasssseeee?"I begged her."girl I guess I'll go she said without fussing about it."thanks sissy" I said hugging her before we walked into stacey's  office. We was there for almost 2 hours working on the finances. "OK thanks when we get this first batch out the way we gone pay you back stace." amber said great fully to stacey as we walked out her office.

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