Best times with you

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Josh POV
"You still bringing her?" I asked Nadia over FaceTime. "Yea I'm on my way now just gotta go pickup some medicine for her because she ain't feeling too well." She said looking back at Liyah. "Damn Jojo ain't either he getting better though eating more." I told her. "Aww poor baby let me get off the phone though I'm like five minutes away." She said before hanging up. She's been teaching me how to raise a kid lately and it's been working because I feel like I'm getting better everyday at raising jojo and it's probably because he's a boy it's easier. After getting off the phone Jordan called. "Yoo." I answered. "Waddup bro ima come over there later to chill with you." He said. I ain't spent time with my lil bro in a while feels good to get your people back on your good side. Jojo started crying because he was uncomfortable the way he was sleeping. I picked him up and laid him on my chest as he fell back asleep. I ended up nodding asleep myself and I didn't realize it.



Nadia POV
I called Drea to see how she's doing because before I left she was real down and told me to let her be alone for a while. She didn't pick up so I left it be. I pulled up to Josh's house with Liyah in my hands, the door was unlocked and I just walked in to see jojo and josh sleeping. I took jojo off of him putting him up in his room to sleep while Liyah woke up josh. "Hey" I said coming back down stairs. "Wassup where you come from?" He asked me laughing. "I put jojo in bed you ain't notice your baby gone?" I joked with him. "I did so when you wanna come back and get Liyah or when you do you want me to drop her off?" He questioned. "Umm tomorrow but ima stay for a lil bit if you don't mind." I said sitting on the couch anyway. "I don't care how you been though?" He asked me looking at me, Josh knows me well enough to know when I'm stressed or down about something and I honestly could really vent to someone right now but i don't know if I should vent to him. "It's just a lot going on right now." I sighed leaning my head back. "I'm listening." He said actually willing to listen. "Well recently we found out Drea's mom don't have much time left and she's been distance and won't let me give her any comfort and I don't what Liyah gonna do when the only woman she know as a grandmother is gone plus she's always asking about her like everyday. I've been so stressed trying to get back into business with the makeup studio and Amber can't right now because she has to take care of Cameron and Caleb." I told him as he nodded his head. "Well it sounds like you just need to chill out and stop tryna do everything at one time you over working yourself." He told me something wise. "Yea you might be right." I said agreeing with him. I feel like we can actually be cool because he's not as immature as he used to be. "Jordan supposed to come over today I don't know where he at." He said looking at his phone. "Really I ain't seen him in forever since he been with.... nevermind." I said stopping myself forgetting that Aries is also his ex. "Don't worry I'm ok with it." He said laughing shaking his head. "Wowww you've became such a humble person." I said as he laughed again. "I've learned not to let little things like that get in my head." He said looking at me. "That's good that's good." I said not knowing what else to say. Josh and I haven't  had a conversation like this in forever. "See why can't we ever have conversations like normal people, like this?" He asked laughing. "You annoying sometimes." I told him laughing because it's true. "Whatever only you think that."He told me pushing my shoulder. Right after, Jordan walked in. "HEYYY JORDANN." I said hugging him. "Hey what you doing over here?" He asked me hugging me back. "I dropped Liyah off and Drea needs time alone because of her mom situation so I stayed for a little." I told him sitting back down. "Oh yea let her breathe cause you know she be wilding when she upset." He said sitting next to me. "Uncle Jordan!!!" Liyah tried to get out before running jumping into his arms. "Hey baby girl." He said picking her up kissing her cheek as she giggled. "Wassup bro ." He said dapping up Josh. "Wassgood." He said. "Where my nephew? I finally get tot meet him." Jordan said looking around. "He's upstairs sleeping." I said scrolling through social media. "Let me go get him." Josh said getting up going upstairs.? "What the hell you doing over here?" He asked me quietly. "What you mean I came to drop Liyah off and just chill had no where else to go." I told him still looking down at my phone. "All ima say is don't let him fuck you over Nadia." He told me leaning back on the couch. "Bro I'm not even thinking about nothing like that." I told him looking at him. "Ight but you may feel that way he may feel the opposite just saying." He said causing me to look at him. "No" I simply said as Josh came back downstairs stair with Jojo in his hand rubbing his eyes. "Say uncle." Josh said pointing at Jordan as Jordan smiles. "Wow bro he look just like you." Jordan said taking jojo out of his hands. "Everybody says that." Josh said laughing. "Who keep him when you have games, Auntie Pearl?" Jordan asked as josh nodded. Liyah climbed into Josh's lap playing with his beard. "So what y'all been up to?" Jordan asked me referring to me and Josh. "Not much been tryna get my business back running but I think ima wait a little longer." I told him and he nodded. "Too much going on right now that can wait." He said looking down at his phone. "I agree" Josh says as Jordan looks up at him. "Liyah go play with Jojo on the floor." Jordan told her as she ran to where Jordan put jojo down at. "So what's up with y'all? Y'all cool or something?" Jordan said looking at Josh then at me. "I mean yea we're co-parenting so we have no choice really." Josh told him as he nodded. "So you ain't tryna fuck with her no more?" Jordan asked bluntly. "Nah chill out bro nobody on that mind set we all grown." Josh said shaking his head. "Well I mean I gotta ask because you are her baby's father and some niggas feel like they gotta advantage already." Jordan said leaning forward. "Jordan I'm glad you watching over her and shit but remember I'm grown she grown she make her own decisions just like you and I do but nobody thinking like that bro chill." Josh explained to him. "I appreciate it I just like us all getting along and I would never have thought that y'all would be cool without fucking." He said as I shook my head. "Jordan what's up with you?" I asked him laughing. "Nothing I'm just making sure ain't no weird shit going on." He said looking at us. He acting really funny I don't know why. "Well Alright y'all ima about to go see my other babies I'll see y'all later." I told them hugging Jordan and josh. "Alright be safe." Josh said as Jordan looked at him again. "Bye babies." I cooed at Liyah and jojo hugging them both. Even though Jojo isn't mine I still show him the same love I show Liyah because he doesn't really have a mother figure around other than Josh's aunt but he barely sees her and he's still little.

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