Chapter 50 - Can't Stay Away

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Chapter 50

That evening Riaan calls like he says he will. He's tired. I can hear it in his voice but we speak for at least an hour. I feel like a teenager as I lie on my bed and speak in a low, secretive voice. Not that I have to, but somehow I find myself doing this.

He's at the house in Camps Bay. He tells me he's decided to move in there permanently once he gets back on Friday. He says we need the space.

"Space for what?" I ask, innocently.

"Should I come over and show you?"

He's only thirty minutes away and the thought does cross my mind. But that would be selfish. He has an early start tomorrow and a flight to catch to London.

He says the smell of me is still fresh on the pillows and he's hard just from my scent.

This melts me and gets me aroused, immediately.

I picture him lying there all alone on his big bed with the spectacular view and wonder why I had left there today. I could have been pressed up close to that hard, warm body of his right now- if I had stayed.

My toes curl at the thought.

Every thing is fine between Tina and I and the urgency to get home, that I had had earlier, does not seem all that important anymore.

I have still to speak to Rahul, and my unexpected intrusion on him and Tina, but somehow I know that things will be fine there too.

He asks if I'm in my white boyshorts and camisole which he remembers me wearing from the time he was in my room.

He asks playfully, not expecting a response, but by sheer chance I find that I am in the very underwear that he speaks off.

I confirm that I am in them.

Did I sub-consciously put these on to feel closer to him? Probably. 

"Well, thank you for intensifying that image for me, even thought I know you aren't in them." He says this playfully, teasing my senses and heating up my body.

"What? You don't believe me? Am I a liar again, Mr Zietman?"

An idea comes to me. I know plenty of people who are into sexting and am always fascinated by their stories of phone sex. I kind of always thought it hot, especially if it's with someone you love and trust.

While I have him on speaker, I quickly snap a picture of myself in my boyshorts and camisole. I attach it to the number we are chatting on and press send.

Almost instantly, I hear the beep on his phone from my end of the line.

"I never lie," I say with conviction.

There's silence and I'm left smiling to myself as I manage to shock him and prove him wrong once again. I'd do anything to see the look on his face right now.

The call goes dead.

I bolt up in bed.

"Hello? Riaan?"

Nope, he's definitely gone.

Did he just cut me off? Have I crosssed some line? Does he have an aversion to sexting. He seemed quite liberal with his approach to sex.

I try calling him back but there's no answer.

Maybe his phone battery ran flat? Maybe work called?

I can do nothing but wait.

Fifteen minutes later my phone beeps.

Thank God. It's a message from him.

I open it.

Remember what I told you baby. Always finish what you start. No half measures.

What is he expecting? For me to take my clothes off and take a photo of that?

I feel awkward now. Unsure. It was meant to be playful, a bit of fun, but I'm not sure what mood he's in after my little stunt.

Should I call him back?

Instead, I text him.

Where did you go to? What would you like me to do? Tell me.

I press send.

I feel agony as I wait for his reply.

Minutes pass again before my phone beeps once more.

You can start by opening the door.

What! Fuck. He's here?

I scramble out of bed and quietly open my room door. Tina's in her room. I can see her night light from under her door. From the sounds filtering out, I can tell she's watching a movie on her laptop.

Why am I creeping about in my own flat? Tina never does that when she has guys over. I've heard her plenty of times to know this. The last instance was only days ago with my brother.

Still, this is my first time doing this and it feels wrong.

I go open the front door and sure enough there's Riaan standing there. His face is serious, his cellphone, in one hand.

"Why are you here, Riaan? Are you insane?" I whisper yell.

"You can't send pictures like that and not expect a response...Why are we whispering?"

"Because Tina's home."


Good question. He knows that Tina has been filled in on us. Still, I don't want Tina knowing he's here. I grab his hand and pull him to my room.

I close my room door quietly.

I turn around to face him.

"You shouldn't be here."

"Why?" he  asks, walking slowly towards me.

Another good question.

There's just enough light in the room from my night lamp to see the look of desire on his face. He cups my chin gently, brushing my lips with his thumb.

I can feel my resolve crumbling.

Who am I kidding? I'm glad that he's here.

"I'm here to finish what I started...what we both started, right here in this room and never quite finished...Remember? I still have dreams of you in these white panties, you know."

My insides turn to mush at his words.

He smashes our lips together and kisses me long and hard, and in just a few moments I know that I need to be satisfied before he leaves.

I kiss him back. A bruising, heated kiss. We move to the bed, him guiding us, our lips locked together. We get onto my bed, petting, touching and caressing. We can't get enough of each other.

Our bodies start to grind against each other immediately, pure lust driving our senses now.

Oh. My. God. Will it ever be different with this man. Every nerve in my body is alive and awaiting the next moment.

My body's aching from the weekend. Yet, I want him so bad I don't care about the pain. All I see are his eyes, hooded with lust, and his need for me.

So it's Easter...Happy Easter everyone! Wishing you all a good long-weekend surrounded by love,  family and friends...and lots of chocolate eggs...definitely chocolate eggs:)

I will post again today...Can't leave you guys hanging like this lol.

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