Chapter 25 - This Thing Between Us

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Chapter 25

Riaan's POV

I stand in the semi- darkness looking out, but not really seeing anything.

What had possessed me to drag Layla out here?

I am engaged for fuck's sake.

This thought sours me. I don't  want to be engaged. I don't want to be inside at the party. I'll be happy just holding Layla right here for the rest of the evening.

What's happening to me? I'm normally so level-headed...So, together...

Just seeing Layla turns me into a raging beast. All those talks to myself about staying away from her flew right out the window the moment I saw her enter the room tonight.

I was talking to Dave when she and Rahul had entered the reception room. The sight of her knocked the wind out of me.

Really, I was not expecting her to look this beautiful. The slinky dress she's in fits her body like a glove, showing off her breasts in a flattering way.

Breasts that I had touched only a week ago...

A reminder of their lush softness had instantly flittered through my head and that was enough to get my blood racing...Which it did.

The colour of the dress set against her olive skin was intoxicating. Like liquid gold. What I wouldn't give to be the guy that dragged that dress off her.

And then I saw her with Jack and it took everything in me not to go over to him and punch him in the face.

It wasn't Jack's fault. I'm sure he was just as taken in by Layla's beauty as I was.

It wasn't Layla's fault either. She is truly clueless as to how very beautiful she is.

I called her a tease. I regret that now. She has no idea of the kind of power she has over men. I've seen it with Sips, and now with Jack.

It's just that I was so angry at her for letting Jack touch her like that. Does she really not know the kind of effect she has on men? Nobody can be that naïve. Can they?

God Damn, I need to stop thinking about her if I want to make it back to the party anytime soon. I'm still hard as hell.

One thing I know for sure is that I cannot marry Stephanie. I've tried being attentive to her over the past week. More than usual. God knows I've tried but I know now that I can't go through with it.

The encounter with Layla last week has put things into perspective. And it has nothing to do with my attraction for Layla. I simply  don't love Stephanie. That's the bottom line. We have nothing in common.

Bringing her to South Africa made me realize that. She does not share the same love for my country that I have. It's something that has bothered me from day one since getting here. How is she going to live here, if she couldn't make it through a week?

She's found fault with everything. From bugs, to the weather, to the food. That's been grating at me all week. She leaves back to London on Tuesday. I should be sad at that. But I'm not. I'm actually relieved. I need the space between us to think of the best way to end it. Without anyone getting hurt.

Hell, yeah! Like that's going to happen!

I need to tell my parents immediately. I'll do that as soon as I get a chance. Dad's not going to be pleased. Tough.

I  suspect my mother would be different. I could see her patience with Stephanie this week wearing thin. Stephanie had come and taken over all of her plans for the engagement party. I guess it was her right to have some say, but she basically came and hijacked the whole thing. And this party had been my parents gift to us.

She had chopped and changed almost everything Suzanne had arranged. My mother had said nothing about it, but I could see the irritation and hurt just below the surface.

Maybe, I have an ally in my mother and breaking the news to my father and Stephanie's family would be easier.

And then there's Layla. I don't know exactly what I feel for her. I only know my attraction to her is way too strong for me to control it. Or ignore it. The attraction is mutual. This much I know. I need to explore this 'thing' between us some more.

But how? Things are too complicated. There are too many side issues. Stephanie, Rahul, my parents, the engagement...

No...No thought of that now. At least she's agreed to talk to me. That's a start.

Rahul. I need to think of him in all this. I don't want to hurt him. He loves Layla and if I hurt her, that would be the end of our friendship.

I needed to take control of this situation and soon.

A short chapter into the mind of Riaan. What do you think? Is he insane like Layla thinks he is?

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