Chapter 27 - The Shoebox

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Chapter 27

I don't allow myself to be upset. I cannot afford to be. I have two papers to write this week and the exhibition opening is on Friday. I can't slip up and repeat subjects next year over 'man  issues'.

In between exams, I pencil in a few practice classes at Kumari Devi's studio to keep my mind focused and my body supple.

I'm not going to let Riaan and his world intrude on my thoughts this week. Or any other week for that matter.

On Tuesday I get a text message. It's not on my contact list and I open it immediately.

Hey, Milkshake. I need an address to drop off my sneakers. David

Geez, is this guy for real? Still going on about his damn shoes. I don't have time for this.

Residence D, Middle Campus. Fifth Floor, 577. LAYLA

I don't bother to say hi.

I write my first paper on Wednesday. When I get home that evening I see a shoebox on the kitchen counter. It must be David's ruined shoes. I need to drop them off at the dry cleaners.

Sure enough, Tina tells me as much.

"Hey La, some cute guy dropped this shoe box off for you. He seemed disappointed that you weren't home."

Yes, probably upset that he missed the opportunity to humiliate me again.

"Hmmm, thanks T. Long story there. Hey, are you going down to Main Road on Friday? I know tomorrow's out of the question since we both writing, but if you going down on Friday, could you drop these shoes off at Mr Gerties? Friday's my busiest day."

I want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.

"Sure, I can do Friday morning. What's in the box?"

"Shoes...Covered in milkshake."

"Okay, I don't even want to know." She goes over and opens the box.

"I wouldn't do that. It probably reeks of stale milk. Hey, we still on for Friday night supper, right?"

I've asked Tina out to supper after my exhibition opening. My treat for all her help fixing me up with Philippe and the dress.

After Friday, we are both done with exams. Her last paper is tomorrow, just like me. And after Fridays exhibition opening, I'm home free too.

Three months of an endless summer holiday lies ahead, before campus opens again.

No one else could make it to dinner with us. My mother and Kumari Devi have plans of their own. Sips has a gig. Rahul has Riaan, so I didn't ask him. Last thing I need, is to see Riaan again. Three hours in his company sounded too exhausting even when amongst friends and family.

So, it was just me and Tina.

"La, I have no problem taking these to Mr Gerties but how is he going to clean this?"

I look at Tina holding up two pint size bottles of Swiss Dairy milkshakes. By their pink colour, I'm guessing it's strawberry.

"There's a card in here too."

I go over to the box and open the card.

Hey Milkshake, how about dinner?... You have to admire a guy who gets a lady's phone number and address the way I did. I won't stop till you say yes so text soon. David

Ps. You can't hide. I have your address;)

I'm shocked.

Did David form some elaborate plan to get my personal details? How could I have been so stupid. Is he stalking me?

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