Chapter 8 - Big Brother

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I love my female leads to be interesting and willful.

All women are beautiful. Period.

Layla's intelligent and broody (well, all women are!) but don't you just hate stories that say 'she was an 'A student' or 'she always had her head in books' and nothing more. I want some meat. I want to know why exactly she's so deep or clever. Intelligence is damn sexy.

Be sure to follow, vote and comment. Ta...)

Chapter 8

As if reading my thoughts and the urgency to get the day started, I hear a light rap on the door. I know Rahul's knock by now as he routinely stops by to check up on me. Tina doesn't mind his presence here. In fact, they are friends now, sometimes meeting up for dinners and movies when I can't join in. I am glad they get along. It makes sharing my time with them easier.

I open the door. Rahul is looking relaxed in a pair of grey cargo shorts and a red t-shirt. A nice difference from his usual suits that he wears to work.

"Nice," I say, smiling. "Aren't some of us lucky to be holidaying on a week day. You want some oats? I just cooked some."

He smiles broadly at me.

"Aren't artists always on holiday?" he smirks.

"Haha, we work just as hard as suit-types," I snap, trying hard at finding a below-the-belt name to call him, but failing miserably. 

Even though he hasn't said he'd join me at breakfast, I fetch two bowls and share the cooked oats between them.

"I only have about ten minutes, Rahul, so if there's something you want to talk about, please do so now."

I go to the fridge and fetch some milk and honey. I grab two spoons and put them on the table.

"It's nothing urgent, La," he says. "But I thought I'd give you a heads up so that you hear it from me first."

That gets my attention. I don't speak. Cutting in will only slow him down in telling me his news.

"Riaan didn't just come home for an engagement party, although that is the main reason he is here. He's also here because we've been in discussions about opening our own oil to gas engineering firm here in SA. Mossel Bay to be precise. The rights to drill were only just approved recently. We thought we could use the next three months to put some solid plans on paper."

He pauses, perhaps waiting for a response from me.

Well, this is news to me! Was definitely not expecting this.

There's silence between us for a moment. I'm thoughtful, mulling over the information he's just shared. I'm also hungry from last night and manage to slurp up a few scoops of porridge before speaking.

"What about your job, Rahul? Your steady income? Don't you need that? You just bought a brand-new car, remember."

"We've already discussed that, La. I'm still keeping my day job for now. Riaan's offered to cover my share of the start up money until I can pay him back. From our projections, I will already be earning enough from the business in a years' time to do that."

"That's rather generous of Riaan, but what does he get out of this?"

"Well, he's tired of London now. He's learnt as much as he possibly can there. And you're not wrong. Riaan has his father here, waiting for him to take over the family business, so there's no reason to start a new venture at this point in his life. But he sees the opportunity at present and is wise enough to want to strike while the iron's hot. Riaan is by nature a person who needs a challenge. He thrives on it. What he needs right now is someone he can trust on this side. Which I am, I guess. His eventual plan is to move back here permanently. Soon, actually. Besides, I'd be adding valuable skills at a minimum of the cost to the company. So we both benefit from it."


I really have no idea what to say. When did all this happen?

Rahul's normally so open about such things.

We eat our porridge for a while, each lost in our own thoughts.

"I guess you can't lose. I know you must have worked out all the pros and cons before agreeing to this. As long as you're still getting a salary every month for now, I can't see the harm. And as soon as I'm able to, I'm going to help with mum's expenses too."

"Mum's my responsibility," he says. "So are's a promise I made to dad before he died."

"Yes, I know. But I was eighteen then, barely an adult. I'm older now. I don't want you worrying about me anymore."

"I'm glad you approve of this business venture, La."

He has tactfully steered clear of the constant discussions we have about his parental responsibility towards me. He has become more protective of me and our mother since our dad's passing. I let it pass this time.

Rahul stills then, and looks around the room, taking in the surroundings of the small apartment for the first time since arriving here.

"Where's Tina?" he asks, probably only now noticing the quietness in the room. Tina is a bubble of energy that is hard to ignore. So, when she's not around, her absence is felt.

"She's probably pulled an all-nighter," I say. "She was still busy studying when I went to bed last night."

I pick up our empty bowls and make my way to the kitchen sink. I have a few minutes to wash up before I leave.

"So, what did you think of Stephanie?" I ask casually. Thankfully, my back is turned to him. I'm still not trustful of my face and what it could reveal when discussing anything relating to Riaan.

"She's okay, I guess. Not what I pictured Riaan to have as a wife...but he looks happy."

Did he just say 'okay'? Just, okay? Then what the hell was all that hand smooching and crap he pulled last night. I thought he was totally taken in by her.

And am I hearing things, or did he say she's not Riaan's type? Hmmm, so I'm not the only one who thought this...

I dry my hands on the kitchen towel and go to grab my satchel and handbag.

"I really need to leave now, Rahul. Anything else you want to talk about? I'm really happy for you... And Riaan is someone you can trust."

He looks relieved. I know that he has come to value my advice in the last few years.

"Come, walk me out." I say.

I grab an orange and a banana from the fruit bowl and stick them into my bag.

"Uh, um...I need to send an email urgently to work. Is it okay if I do that before leaving? I'm accompanying Riaan and Stephanie to Robben Island today. And if we make good time, I thought we'd do the cable car up Table Mountain this evening, as well."

"So that's what you guys are up to today. Nice. Wish I could join," I lie. "Well, keep the noise down. You don't want to wake Tina up. She'll be grumpy. You can log onto my desktop in my room, if you need to. Use the spare key on the window sill to lock up."

I make my way out the door and down the stairs.

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