Chapter 10 -The Problem with Milkshake

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Back to the grind of a spanking new week. So I have the following songs on repeat at the moment.

Dusk to Dawn- Zayn (feat Sia)
Demons- Imagine Dragons
Thunder- Imagine Dragons
Closer- The Chainsmokers
Cold Shoulder- LCNVL and  Sketchy Bongo

Chapter 10

The rest of my morning goes smoothly. My next stop is the photography shop off campus. I catch a shuttle down to Main Road. It takes less than ten minutes to get there. The bright, green student shuttles are practically empty since lectures have ceased and most students are holed up in their rooms and libraries busy studying for exams.

I go to the photography shop and pick up my slides which they have developed. The images are crisp and clear and I can't wait for Sips to work his magic with them.

Next, I grab a quick meal at Deli Delish, the student hang-out that's also a copy shop. I'm hungry and go through an avo-and-chicken wrap quite quickly. While finishing off my coconut-lime milkshake, which in my opinion deserves some foodie award for best beverage created, I decide to have a quick look at my emails.

Why waste the opportunity to use free wifi?

I log onto my email account and wait for my messages to download. Jeff, the junior manager glares at me as I take another sip of my milkshake. Nobody is allowed to drink or eat while working on the computers.

But Jeff knows me and normally gives me a break. He's a student too and we had the same art history class together as undergrads. 

His boss must be here today. I look around and sure enough I spot the middle-aged, robust owner standing in a corner. I promptly discard my milkshake. I do it with a sense of regret since I was really enjoying it. But I don't want to get Jeff into trouble so I toss it into a wastepaper basket near me.

Knowing my ill luck,  it's for the best, anyway. I'll probably spill milkshake all over the keyboard without much effort, and get Jeff fired.

Emails downloaded, I scan through them. Some, I click on. Others, I send straight to the trash. A few lecturers have sent out study guides and past year exam questions. These I flag as important. One email catches my attention. It has the surname Zietsman on it. I recognize it immediately as that of Riaan's surname. I click on it.

The email is from Riaan's mother, Suzanne. I open the attachment that has been sent with the email. It is the invite to Riaan and Stephanie's engagement party.

My heart pulls in my chest, even though I was expecting this email.

Dear Rahul and Layla,

Please join us on Saturday, 29th November (that's next Saturday, already!) at the engagement party of our son, Riaan Fredriche Zietsman  (wow, he has a middle name) and Stephanie-Anne Lords (Lords! How suitable) at our residence, 5 Provence de Maine, Franchehoek,  6.30-7pm. Dress code: black tie (dammit, I have nothing to wear! Would a dress from PriceMart do? Would anyone notice?)

There is more.

Please Note- The couple have graciously requested that no gifts be purchased. They would prefer all intended monies for this purpose, to be donated to a local charity of your choosing. (Ah! The peculiarities of the rich. I could pass as charity, so will donate to self.)

Looking forward to your presence at this memorable event- Suzanne and Fredriche Zietman, Snr.

And there it is! In writing. The engagement party of Riaan and Stephanie. It sounds fancy. Riaan's parents are wealthy. Obviously, it would be a lavious affair. And Riaan's an only child, so I'm sure they will be pulling out all of the stops and throwing the event of the year.

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