Chapter 15 - A Silly Little Child

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I've just realized that tomorrow is a jam-packed day and I will hate to not keep up my promise of a Monday post, so I'm doing it a day ahead.

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Chapter 15

I walk back to my table. My mood has changed in the space of a ten minute conversation.

Irrelevant, stupid conversation.

I feel like a kid again. A kid being reprimanded. Well, if Riaan couldn't see me as an adult, then I'll just have to show him. I plan on turning up the hot act on the dance floor once more with Sips.

Let him watch and wonder. And seethe. He was definitely angry. Probably thinks I'm still sixteen. If Rahul can appreciate that I've grown up and am an independent adult now, then so can he.

Whoa... Did the floor just move? Yip, it's definitely moving.

I stumble slightly, tripping over my own feet.

I'm tipsy. A wave of nausea hits me.

"Hey, you okay, baby cakes?" Sips looks at me with concern.

"Y...yes, yes, I'm fine. Just a bit light-headed. I'll be fine. I need some air. I'm going outside for a bit."

Sips makes the effort to stand to his feet and accompany me outside, but I quickly raise my hand to stop him.

He is chatting with Sarah. I don't want to spoil his evening too. I can see that Sarah is really into him and that he is lapping up the attention.

I make my way to the exit. I know I'm drunk now because I'm consciously making an effort to walk straight. I feel like I'm on a moving carousel, trying to walk off it's mad spinning floor. Thankfully, the place is busy and nobody notices. At least, I hope so.

I shouldn't be this drunk. I've drank plenty more on other occasions and never got this smashed. Maybe, it was seeing Riaan that made my mind weak and in turn drunk.

Gosh, that's got to be the most ridiculous thought I've ever had yet! I'm even thinking like a drunk person.

No, I should never have guzzled down so much alcohol in such a short space of time. This is my own fault. I need to sleep this off and pray I don't wake up with a hangover.

I make it outside onto the sidewalk and breathe deeply. This is good. The cool air clears my head. There is a small low wall at the end of the building so I walk over and sit on it.

I need to get home.

I take out my phone and call Sips.

"La," he answers. "You alright?"

"Yes, I'm alright. Listen, I'm calling a taxi to take me home. I don't feel too good..."

"Hang on, I'm coming outside."

"No, no...don't worry. I'm okay. Cab will be here in five minutes."

I really don't want to spoil his evening. He seems to be enjoying his time with Sarah.

"Okay, if you sure, baby cakes. I'll see you on Monday."

"Yeah, Monday," I laugh, trying to hide how awful I feel. "Bring your dancing shoes."

He laughs then too. I cut the call and immediately dial for a cab. I have it saved to my phone since I do use them when I'm lazy and not in the mood to ride on the campus shuttles.

I give the cabbie my address and slip my phone back into my jeans pocket.

My bag...I need to get my bag from my locker. My wallet's in there.

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