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★ ★

Yorkshire, September 1 , 1991

Lilith hurriedly grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste as she finished eating a cereal bar. She didn't want to be late. The ginger was always on time for everything and anything, it wasn't going to be now that this habit of hers was going to end.

  "Have you packed everything, Lily?" Remus asked, peeking his head inside her and Harry's shared bedroom.

  "Almost done, uncle Remus!" Eva answered, her back turned to her godfather as she grabbed clothes after clothes and neatly folded them before putting them away in her trunk.

  "Are you planning to take your entire wardrobe to Hogwarts?" Harry teased, laughing at his own joke as he left the room with his own brown trunk.

  Lily huffed, sparing a moment to throw a glare at the now closed door, before continuing her hard work. She had to be done by 9:50 am since they had a long travel ahead of them. Their petite, yet cosy house was in the rural areas of England, Yorkshire to be precise. They had to floo directly to the Ministry of Magic before taking a cab to where King's Cross Station was located.
  When the girl was finally done, she put both hands on her hips and looked at her now closed brown leather trunk that once belonged to her mother. It was rather small, but it contained everything she needed. Her books, her casual clothing, her schools robes and a few other things she couldn't live without, especially now that she was going so far away from her home.

  "Home," Lilith thought, looking at her room one last time before she left with her trunk. As she made her way into the corridor that connected her and Harry's bedroom, Remus' bedroom and the living room, Eva heard a tapping sound coming from the window down the hall. "Hedwig!"
  The snowy owl stood outside the window, gently tapping its beak against the glass. Lilith excitedly made her way towards the window and opened it so the bird could come inside. Harry and Lilith had agreed to let Hedwig get a few days of 'freedom', as they called it, since they were about to put her inside a silver cage for most part of the day until they arrived at Hogwarts. Besides, they could always use Remus' old owl, Nyra,— whose feathers always reminded Eva of chocolate— for important things.

  "Did you enjoy your freedom, Hedwig?" Lily cooed, running her hand softly through the white feathers. Hedwig flapped its wings and the girl took that as a yes. Brushing her thoughts aside, the girl stood up, patted her shoulder and as soon as Hedwig swiftly landed on it, she grabbed her trunk and left the corridor. As she passed the kitchen, Lilith grabbed a little snack for Hedwig before putting it inside the birdcage that was laying beside the couch. Hedwig swiftly entered the cage, so it could indulge itself in the seed-flavoured snack.

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