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Scotland, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 20th December, 1991

   Staring at the letter in her hands, Lilith found herself nervous to open it. Last week, Professor McGonagall had made a list of the students who were going to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays and, although Lily had been feeling a tad bit uncertain with her decision, she ultimately chose to stay with Harry and Ron. Part of her wanted to go home and drink hot cocoa with her Uncle Moony by the fireplace, but there was another part of her that wished to know what it was like to spend Christmas with her friends at Hogwarts for the first time.
   Eva unconsciously shook her head, telling herself she shouldn't pay any mind to her stray thoughts. What was done, was done —all that was left for her to do was face the consequences of that said decision. At last, the girl inhaled sharply and tore the letter open.

   Dear Lily and Harry

Although it pains me to not be with you this Christmas, I understand why you two chose to stay and don't worry, I'm not upset. Actually, I'm very happy you decided to celebrate this holiday with your friends. I'm sure they'll enjoy the company.

Lilith sighed in relief, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Remus Lupin was the best godfather she could ask for.

Aside from that, how are the choir lessons going for you, Lilith? When you come back home, I want to see what you've learned! And what about your Quidditch practises, Harry? Your father would've been so proud of you! Happy holidays, munchkin! Happy holidays, cub! Oh, and tell Ronald I wish him the same!

With love,
Uncle Moony

Lilith caressed the letter gently, feeling homesick. She missed her godfather dearly, but the girl also knew her Christmas holidays were going to be special in their own way. Folding the parchment and placing it inside the small wooden box she kept for her letters, the ginger made sure no one was going to come inside the dormitory before sitting down on the floor. Reaching underneath her bed, Lily pulled out several presentes wrapped in many different colours.
The first one she checked was a bright red and green package meant for Harry. She knew Harry was obsessed with Quidditch, but, unfortunately, the ginger didn't have the money to buy the Quidditch set she truly wished to give him. Therefore, she chose to indulge one of his other interest and that was dragons. She had carefully picked the best book about dragons she could find, with the most detailed drawings she had ever seen and with pages and pages of information. In the end, Lilith just hoped he would like it.

   For Ron the answer was quite simple. He too adored Quidditch, specially the Chudley Cannons, so his present was a book called Flying with the Cannons. Lilith had a hard time finding a good present for Hermione, since the girl had a vast collection of books, both muggle and magical. Ultimately, the ginger decided that The Book of Charms and Spells was a great choice for the bushy-haired girl.
The present Lilith had chosen for Remus was probably the most sentimental. She requested Professor Flitwick to take a picture of the choir as they rehearsed and the man happily obliged, sending the copies to all of the choir members. Eva also borrowed a magical camera from one of her first-year friends and asked her closest friends to take photographs of her and them around the castle. She then created an album full of these photographs with little notes from her and Harry.

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