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Scotland, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 9th September, 1991

   Lily blinked, her gaze fixated on the moonlight that was pouring out of the window next to her four-poster bed. She couldn't sleep even if she wanted to, since she had agreed to meet the boys in the common room at half-past eleven. Eva thought the plan was stupid, awful —every bad name she could think of —, but Harry was involved in it and there was no way she was going to let him get himself into trouble without her.

As quietly as possible, Lilith slowly got out of her bed, trying not to wake up the others girls, specially Hermione, since the witch had already made clear her wariness regarding their plan. The red-head wrapped her scarlet bathrobe around herself and slipped on her red, fluffy slippers before tiptoeing out of the girls' dormitory.
When she got to the common room, she noticed two figures, who were also wearing bathrobes, standing near the dying fire. She tapped one of the boys' shoulder, trying to get their attention without making noise.

  "There you are," Ron whispered, grabbing both hers and Harry's wrists. "Let's go." And, as they were about to reach the portrait hole, they heard a voice coming from one of the armchairs.

  "I can't believe you're going to do this." Hermione Granger sat there, wearing her pink bathrobe, arms crossed over her chest. Lily facepalmed. Obviously, the reason why Hermione hadn't caught her earlier was because she was never inside the dormitory in the first place.

  "You!" Ron spoke, absolutely furious. "Go back to bed!"

The bushy-haired girl huffed, standing up from her seat. "I almost told your brother, Percy. He's a prefect, you know, he'd put a stop to this."

  "Please, Hermione, don't say anything," Eva pleaded, meanwhile Harry completely ignored the buck-toothed girl as he rolled his eyes and grabbed his sister and friend's hands, hurrying out the portrait hole.

  "Come on."

  "You..." Hermione hissed, hurrying after them. "Stop right there, you're gonna make Gryffindor look bad. You only care about yourselves! I don't want Slytherin to win the house cup after all the effort I put into winning house points."

   Lily glanced back at the brunette with an apologetic look, opening her mouth to say something, but Ron beat her to it. "Go away."

  "Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you when you're on your way home tomorrow, you ungrateful..." Suddenly, her voice went quiet and that made the trio look back, realising that the Fat Lady was nowhere in sight, meaning she had decided to take a midnight stroll, leaving the portrait hole closed and with no way in. "Argh! Now what am I going to do?"

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