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Scotland, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 11th November, 1991

  Morning was becoming evident as daylight got brighter and brighter, and it seemed like the creature was growing tired since its movements were sloppier than before. Nevertheless, Lily was still its prey so it attacked, but this time Eva didn't hold back. As the beast rose its paw to slash her, the ginger rose her wooden stick to hit it and, although the girl knew she had hit her target, she also became aware of the sudden pain on her side. Stumbling, the girl fell to her knees, her hand clutching her side as hot pain flooded her body. She could feel her pyjamas getting wet as a liquid seeped into them and, although she fought against it, Lily felt herself falling to the floor.
   The girl was aware of nothing but the throbbing pain on her side and, in these moments of agony, Lilith failed to hear the sudden cries of the grey-haired beast as another one, with a brown coat, rammed into it, piercing its flesh with its teeth and claws. The creature howled in pain as it backed away from the little girl and the other wolf, before scurrying into the dark meadow, vanishing from their sight.

With the loss of the threat, the wolf with the lighter fur coat  panted and howled to the fading full moon in the sky, as a sign of his victory. At first, it sounded like a wild animal, but soon it started to sound human and that's when the fur started to shed from its body and it's elongated snout began to revert back to its original shape. Remus Lupin was now free, but his nightmare had just begun.


   The girl instantly recognised her godfather's voice and weakly called out for him, trying to, but failing, to get up from the floor. Without hesitation, Remus ran to his niece's side, tears flowing down his face as he felt terrible guilt burn his heart, making it hard to breath, but he still managed to say the words that were bursting to come out.

"I'm so sorry, Lily. I'm so sorry..." Uncle Remus hugged her tightly and, within the fading pain, she began to feel warm. Hugging her godfather back, her eyes began to close as she felt herself being surrounded by the growing warmth. "Lily..."

"Lily, you alright?"

"Lily?" Harry repeated his sister's name as he stared at her with concern, noticing her lack of attention on their conversation.

"Oh, sorry." The ginger gave him a faint smile, still feeling off from the memory, but she didn't want her brother to worry. "I was really enjoying this book."

   Harry gave her an unconvinced look, but accepted her weak excuse before he spoke again, "I was thinking I should get the book back from Snape, but these two don't wanna go with me." Hermione and Ron pretended not to hear them, but visibly blanched when the brunet added, "They're scared of him."

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