How to....With Brooklyn (1)

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Brooklyn How to's volume 2 style!!

Today's how to has been brought to you by the letter 'H'


How to.....Make Awesome French Toast!

Now there are a billion ways to make French Toast, the toaster oven heat 'em ups, going to a restaurante and order them(any restaurante will do), or you could just go to France and demand American style French Toast.

Step one!

Have money!

Having money is always good.

Step dos!

Go to the store with the money!

Preferably a store that sells food.

Step Three!

But food!

Here is what you need:

*Bread (not sliced)





*powered sugar (maybe not?)

*Syrup (do you like syrup?)



*Milk (the evil stuff!)

Step cuatro!

Go home!

You can't cook in the store. (or maybe you can?)

Step five!


Get a bowl! Put some milk, sugar, cinnamon, and one egg in the bowl. (I don't measure stuff I just eyeball it because I'm awesome like that. But you need enough of the evil milk to put the bread in and coat it. The sugar and cinnamon, you can put how much you like. I like to put in enough cinnamon so it looks like evil chocolate milk.  You can even put a little vanilla extract in it. Vanilla is strong so not too much.)

Flour on a plate is fine. (I like to add sugar to the flour) It will be used to coat the bread after it took a trip in the bowl.

Cut your bread. You're gonna need a knife. If you don't have a knife I guess you can go caveman and rip it or SpongeBob it and give the bread a good "kare-ah-tay" chop. You're gonna want the slices to be about a half an inch thick.

A frying Pan! In the frying pan you are going to need enough oil to at least cover the bottom of the pan, but not so much that the bread starts swimming. Heat it! About a med Hi or a 7 if you got one of the ones that got numbers. (I have numbers!)

Step seis!

Place you bread slice in the bowl (with the mix in it). Don't let the bread get soggy, that's gross. So about 5-7 second on each side.

Step eight!

Put your bread in the flour. Make sure the flour covers it on all sides.

Step nueve!

Put the now flour cover bread in the frying pan.

Step ten!

Let it cook! At some point in time you are gonna want to flip that bread. Make sure you fully cook it because it has egg in it. Cook it until its a toasty brown color.

Step once!

Take you French Toast out of the frying pan.(see its not bread any more! kinda.) You might want to place the French toast on some paper towels before plating. (to get rid of any extra oil from the pan.)

Step twelve!

Plate! You can go fancy here. I like to pretend I'm a five star chef and sprinkle powered sugar on the plate first. Then place the French toast. Some like butter, I think butter only goes on pancakes (of course other stuff too, but not French toast). More powered sugar if you want. And BAM! syrup topped with a fork.

Step trece!

Sit at a table! You're not an animal!

Step fourteen!

Eat and leave the mess for someone else to clean up! (but depending on where you live you just might want to handle it yourself.)


So why French Toast?

Well, it has all to do with my druggie friends. They seem to only call me after they've smoked a lot of weed, so I can cook for them. They pay me so I don't care. But the French Toast I made today was just so awesome. It was so crunchy, but soft in the middle.

SO This has been a How to...With Brooklyn Vol. 2 style!

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