Your King Has Returned!!

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It is true, after three long months I have returned once again to bright your lives like the blazing star I am.

A lot of you may be questioning what was the reasoning behind my abscence in the first place. Was it because I got sick of the site, was I kidnapped and held for ransom, or was it MURDER??!

Nope it was none of those and I'm not a zombie.

It was because I broke my right arm and messed up my left wrist. It was a doctor who advised me from doing such things as being on a computer or texting in fear of doing permenat damage.

How did my body become in such shambles you ask...I was protecting the honor of a woman in a fight!

Don't believe that?

Well the truth is I was trying to put on flip flops and walk down the stairs at the same time, to save time. All that did was send me to the hospital.

It was weird because my arm didn't really hurt that bad until the doctor told me it was broken. It was just a dull pain like somebody punch it before that.

My wrist doesn't hurt at all any more, but my are is still in a cast. I might be 22 by the time it comes off.

What delayed this message from coming out last week is because life has been kicking my ass. Juggling 2 jobs, school, and a girlfriend is too much work for me. If I'm lucky I'll get one day off a week and most of the time I spend that asleep. Like today, its almost 4pm and I've only been up an hour.

For the people doing my vampire contest, I'm get that back up an running.

Message, I've answered a few, but still have a billion to go.

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