.1. The last laugh

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"OH YOU'RE A RIOT BATS! AHAHAHAHA!!" The madman flung himself off of the moving car and onto the hood of a van, travelling at high speeds down the narrow path. The poor man driving the van gasped and tried to slow down but the Joker moved quickly, grabbing the poor soul by his sleeve and tossing him out of the car with such ease.

The man screamed as he made impact with the ground.

"Nice car you got there buddy, Thank ya!" The Joker blew a mock kiss towards the rolling heap on the ground as he continued to speed down the narrow roads alongside the Gotham river.

Looking in his rear-view mirror, his smile grew wider as the infamous batmobile came into view.

"Ooh bats is here to play!" He exclaimed excitedly as he pushed the pedal to the metal.

Batman growled as he sped up to catch up to the madman in the van.

"Whoa, easy, you don't wanna get us killed in a chase," a feminine voice spoke in a panic as she held on to her seat. Barbara, better known as batgirl, sat next to him keeping her eyes glued on the van ahead of them. There was no way she'd let the clown get away this time.

Batman just ignored her as he kept his focus on the car in front of him. They were approaching a dead-end and this moment would be the grand finale, as was always the case with the Joker. Batman just needed to trap him so he wouldn't escape. Maybe cause a minor injury, but just enough to keep him from going anywhere. As much as he hated the idea, Batman sighed and hit a button under his steering wheel. Two rockets came out from underneath the hood of his car.

"Whoa! Are you crazy?!" Barbara screamed as she saw the two rockets and heard the beeping of the aiming mechanism in the computer.

Once again, Batman ignored her. This was necessary. Not only to disarm and disable his enemy, but this might have been the grand opportunity he had been waiting for.

This might be the end-all of an era.

"No, Bruce don't!" Barbara yelled once again but once the target was locked, Batman pushed the button, sending the two rockets off to the target ahead of them.

Within seconds, the van burst into flames.

Barbara gasped as the Batmobile came to a harsh stop just feet away from the wreckage.

"What did you-" Before Barbara could comment, they saw a figure lying on the ground next to the van. He wasn't moving. Without thinking, Barbara jumped out and ran to the figure, standing above him with a grim look on her face.

Batman didn't move. His eyes were frozen on the figure now lying motionless on the ground next to the destroyed van. There was a fire in his heart that had suddenly been extinguished. Batman didn't feel any ounce of emotion. He just kept a stoic look on his face as his mind raced.
Was it really over?

The Joker was no more.

Exiting the car, Batman walked slowly over to where Barbara stood and looked down at the figure. Destroyed, charred, burned.

He wasn't smiling.

"What were you thinking?" Barbara asked as she kept looking down at the seemingly dead clown prince of crime.

The two were so caught up in the moment that they hadn't noticed the police sirens wailing right behind them. Within seconds, they were surrounded by the police being led by the commissioner, Jim Gordon.

"Batman." Jim said loudly, getting the attention of the two masked fighters.

"Commissioner." Batman nodded.

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